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Relationship name !

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    Relationship name !

    Hey guys I have long distance relationship story..but I need your ideas.. we started to talk since january and everything okay ..
    we are making the videos each other and we making webchat.. everyday making the conversation so I love him
    but we havent any name for relationship so okay I saying him : my seņor, you are worth it , I like you bla bla bla .. and he saying me: my lady, my girl...
    but what are we ? please help me and sorry for bad english

    I think that's something you need to clarify between yourselves. Ask him if he wants to be exclusive!


      thanks for interest! I wanna ask him but I think his thought that wait untill first meet ... I dont know


        I'm going through the same thing right now. I met a guy, we talked a lot, found out we really liked each other... but we also didn't want to "go official" before we met. So the plan is to meet in August (I'm flying to the US), go on a date or two and see if we like each other in person as well. Then, if we do, we'll finally be able to say we're boyfriend and girlfriend But we also agreed not to date anyone else until we meet.
        So my advice to you is basically to try to meet each other in person soon... personally, I wouldn't say, "Okay, you're my boyfriend now" to a guy I haven't met in real life. Why don't you just talk to him about it? Just tell him the same thing you just told us. Good luck!
        first met in 2008 -- started talking online again in 2011 -- decided to go on a date in 2012 -- actually started dating on our first visit in August 2013 --
        second visit in February 2014 -- third visit in June 2014 -- fourth visit in September 2014


          ohh thanks for answer really actually you are right .. I will ask him )


            Same as Anoulie, we waited to meet first before deciding what to call ourselves. In the meantime, we were friends.

