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I told the Parents finally

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    I told the Parents finally

    It's done, my parents know about my ticket to Italy. They know I am going to Italy next month in August. My parents and sisters all know, they were all at the table when my father was giving me the lecture.
    I knew what was coming, I had already prepared myself for this. I already knew everything he was going to say. Maybe that's why I didn't burst out in tears. I did try so hard to hold it in though.
    It wasn't until my mother started crying after my dad walked away, that I started crying. I hate seeing her cry.

    But I am 22 years old. I realize I am still young, and i know I still have a lot to learn, but I want this so badly.
    I finally found the one person I want to be with, and I'm going after what I want. It took me a long time and hard work to save up for that ticket, I'm not letting it go to waste.
    and it's Italy for crying out loud. I always dreamed of traveling. I don't want to wait until I'm older and can't find the time to go. I want to make my time here on this earth worthwhile.

    If this doesn't work out in the end.........well, at I least I tried. At least I won't go on with my days wondering what could have happened.

    28 more days Lorenzo. 4 more weeks. And we finally get to actually meet. I cannot wait.
    Met August 2012
    Official Nov. 18 2012
    Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
    He's visiting April 7-28 2014
    I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014

    Good for you!
    I have been through the same with my family and I can tell you it only gets better if you talk about it openly! Before my first trip to America my whole family was angry with me, my mom said horrible things to me, my dad did, my brothers, my sisters.. everyone, but I did it anyways, because I was certain that this was the right thing to do and now I am with my fiancé in his bed. It's my second trip to America and I don't regret doing it.

    It is your money, it is your life, it is your choice!
    You are 22 years old! Enjoy it!! They might be scared for you, but you are old enough to take care of yourself!
    Make sure to call when you arrive as this is their worst fear and you'll be fine!!

    Good luck!

    Relationship began: 05/22/2012
    First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
    Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
    Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
    Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
    Married: 1/24/2015
    Became Resident: 9/14/2015


      Like you said, if it doesn't work out, at least you tried. And... you're going to Italy! Have fun


        What an exciting trip!
        I think it's really great that you stood up for yourself. My mom was extremely unsupportive of my relationship with my SO at first. In the end, I had to tell her that this was my relationship, and that I have to do things for myself. She finally came around and realized this. I hope your parents can do the same eventually!
        Have an amazing time in Italy, and good luck with your SO!


          Good for you!
          I hope everything goes well and you have an amazing time in Italy!


            Good to hear! The trip will tell you a lot about your compatibility with one another. Enjoy Europa!


              Yeah... good for you. Sometimes parents can be so loving and tedious at the same time. Best wishes on your trip.


                Goooooooo! I had to do the same thing last year. My mom found out that I bought my ticket when she saw the charge on my account. I felt like she was so disappointed when she talked to me about it. But I went, and it was amazing, and we are so much better for it. You're doing this for yourself. Enjoy it!
                Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                Engaged: 09/26/2020


                  How amazing, I hope you have a fantastic time.

                  I had the same with my family. I actually wrote my mum a letter to explain justin had bought me a ticket and i was going on 'Holiday' i didnt really tell her the indepth of our feelings for one another i just said it was a chance for me to explore america like i always have wanted too.

                  But everything become clear about 2 months before i flew out. She knew i loved him. My dad was suprisingly ok with it and so was 1 of my brothers (he used to speak to justin on my fbook wall) my other brother not so much But i went i had an amazing time and now my parents are excited to meet my SO.

                  The more they see your serious the more they will start to accept it


                    thats so wonderful!

                    you finally got to see him now

                    god luck


                      Wow! that's great and good luck to your trip.
                      It's normal for your parents to react that way. Because in the 1st place you're a girl and meeting a stranger will make them very worried and it's in another country. As long as you take care and that's Italy! yey!
                      Anyways I think it's best if you were open to your family with your LDR at 1st. Because in my situation both our parents knows about it. Well, my dad couldn't care less.haha! But I think it was better though. He is 21 and I'm 22. His mum and dad knows me and his mum already talked to me(via skype). His brothers knows me too and says "Hi" sometimes when they walk in to my SO's room. But overall that would be best coz his family accepts me and already knows he is earning money to come and visit me here in the PH.
                      But I still do hope and wish the best for you and that both of you.


                        Sometimes, we have to fight for something that we are uncertain of because life will never be certain. And I'm proud of you for doing your best in your relationship. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy Italy! Have fun with your SO. I can't wait to have my SO in my arms too!


                          Good for you! What would life be without new experiences? Now you won't have to be stuck with what ifs.
                          Have an amazing time!


                            I'm happy that you decided to do it for yourself!!! When I decided to go to Norway by myself my parents, mostly my mom, were afraid and skeptical. My dad wanted for me to wait until we got the money to go as a family so I didn't go alone. I said no, that THAT was my opportunity, I felt it, I knew and I was not gonna let it go. They respected my decision even if it was something they didn't want for me to do. You got nothing to lose! Go ahead and enjoy your travel May it all go perfect
                            ”Distance means so little when someone means so much.”


                              Good for you!! You're more brave then me. I told my mom when i came back from Germany after meeting him for the first time. I told her about him and where I was. To my surprise she was very supportive and she wants me to be happy. She had seen me in an unhappy marriage that I was in for 10+ years. Shes will meet him in October.

