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Does it really get easier?

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    Does it really get easier?

    I just came back from a month's visit to my boyfriend (I got back 4 days ago) and I'm struggling. I talk to him everyday which is great but he works a lot so its limited. We go to Uni together and only have to be long distance for 4 months out of the year when he goes back to Norway for summer. I know thats a great position to be in compared to so many of you but its also hard for me because I spend all my time with him for 8 months and then bam...he's gone. And I'm not used to it. He comes back around the 10th of September so in around 5 weeks. Right now it feels like 5 weeks is going to just be utterly miserable - does it really get better? And does the time really go quicker than you think it will? It seems to be dragging right now.

    I'm trying to keep busy and see friends etc which is helping a bit. But its when I'm alone I can't seem to stop focusing on how long five weeks seems and how sad I'm going to be. I know its kind of stupid.

    Also he is having knee surgery on the 20th of August and its killing me I can't be there. I just want to be there and check that the man I love is ok and well. I also get worried that the surgery will get postponed or it will go wrong and he won't be able to come back until even later.

    Please help me I can't stop crying every single day and I hate crying in front of him on skype because it makes him feel terrible. I just want to be happy and make the best of the situation...

    Thanks for all your help, so many of you are such an inspiration!

    It gets better it may seem like it doesn't, but it does go do things you want to do spend time with friends, it makes the time go by faster. I'd suggest to help get past the feeling of being lost and how hard it is when you are apart, instead of spending all your time together the 8 months you are in uni spend time apart and with friends it'll really help out a lot.

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


      I know the feeling of crying infront of him, my BF hates when I cry since he is so far away and cant do much about it like he would like to. This is how I look at it, there is no other option. I cant picture my life without my BF in it, and if it has to be this way for now then I would take that ANY day over the alternative, and thats us not being together. Do things to keep you busy. Remember you control your happiness and that someday you'll look back and see how much you've both grown together because of the distance. Really utalize apps like viber, couple, voxer anything to help keep in touch even when he is at work. Good luck!


        I don't think it can hurt to show your partner how much he's missed. I have felt just as guilty when it's happened to me, but my SO always responds positively, saying we need to share when we're having a rough time with our separation because that's the only way the other knows when to really try and pick up slack. It's a chance to remember you're on the same page, make plans, and encourage each other to look ahead/get out and have some fun elsewhere!

        But to answer your question...whether you're used to being separated (like I am) or not, it doesn't really get easier. :S
        1st, 2nd, & 3rd Dates: Nov. 2009
        Separation/Online "Friendship": Dec. 2009 - Feb. 2012
        1st Visit: March 2012
        2nd Visit: May 2012
        3rd Visit: July 2012
        First I love yous: August 2012
        Next Visit: Hopefully this winter!

