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Sorry for another sad thread :(

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    Sorry for another sad thread :(

    I just took my boyfriend to the airport after three amazing months together. We will see each other at christmas and it is going to be SO fun (we are going to euro disney for my birthday and will have a week in Paris!) but I am just so, so sad. I am so sick of being apart. I am a rape/domestic violence survivor and being with my boyfriend makes me feel so safe, when he is away I get paranoid and have flash backs sometimes. Also, my bf is Norwegian and he is on permanent disability benefits so I am so worried about him being allowed to sponsor me for a fiancee visa. I'm just so scared of this taking years, our original end date is next summer when I graduate. I think once I find out if he can sponsor me or not I will feel so much better (or worse, depending on the outcome )

    Greetings from a fellow Californian
    The first two weeks apart are always the hardest It'll get better though!
    If he is not able to sponsor you, is there any way he could come to the US to be with you?
    Wishing you the best


      I know exactly how you feel. I said goodbye to my SO after 3 months together just a few days ago. It SUCKS! ...I hope it gets a lot better very soon. If he can't sponsor you, than maybe you can sponsor him? also.. there are a lot of colleges in scandinavia you can apply to for a graduate degree or a post doc, and maybe that way you can bypass the whole fiance visa thing.


        Thank you for your kind responses <3

        He is in the middle of school right now and would not be able to come with me to the US next summer If he can't sponsor me we will likely have to wait TWO YEARS for him to finish his degree because there are no degrees at his university I would be able to do (it is mostly engineering and science stuff, i am a women's studies major )


          I really sympathize as I (and everyone else) know this feeling but you've done it before and you know it gets better with time!

          As for the future, you have the next visit planned. I'd put everything into planning that, counting down, etc. I have similar worries with school and getting a visa to my SO's country, but the way I see it as I have a plan in place, I'm working towards that and whatever goes wrong (something usually does!) then I will deal with that at the time. But don't put yourself through stress and worry now when there might not be anything to worry about.

