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Is this possible?

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    Is this possible?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new here. I've read a lot of your posts and I notice a lot of you have met through the web. My situation is different and I'm wondering if anyone has had the same experience as myself. I went on a vacation this summer and met an amazing man. I went to Kenya on safari and there was an instant attraction between my and my safari guide. So long story short he is in Kenya and I am in Boston MA. We have spoken every day since I left and its great but it's 7000 miles away! I'm a teacher so just taking off for Africa is not easy and when I could go it is so much more expensive to travel. He is trying to get a visa here but can't really come until march which is off season for safaris. Is anyone in this situation? I spent 10 days with him am I crazy to think we can make this work?

    I'm not in this situation... but, here's a whole group (<--click!) of people who are!

    PS Welcome to LFAD!

    ETA: Most groups aren't very active, but feel free to take a look at who's in the group so you can get a feel for who's in a similar situation and then, if you want, you can talk to them about how they've been handling it.

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      I'm not, but I sort of wanted to say I think this seems like the start of a really sweet love story <3
      And every breath we drew was Hallelujah


        I'm international, didn't meet via the web, and my travel is limited to the vacation time I have. We've been making it work for over four years, so yeah, it's very possible. We make the commitment to talk almost every day, despite our 7 hour time difference, we visit a few times a year, and most importantly, we have the utmost respect for each other. International LDR's aren't that bad, you just have to make your expectations very clear, be willing to compromise, and be the independent type. If you can do all that, you've got a chance It's not easy, but it is doable for the right people. Welcome to LFAD and good luck.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Welcome to LFAD! I'm not in that exact position, I didn't meet my boyfriend by traveling but by the web as you have said most people here have met their partners by the web. I think it is entirely possible when you have the right commitment and make an effort to talk and communicate as often as you can, and schedule visits as often as you can, even if that's only once a year or even less.

          My boyfriend and I are international and have been making it work for 3 years now (met about 4 years ago online) and although our road doesn't seem as easy as many others, I have to believe we will one day close the distance. Even if it takes a long time. We have been blessed with a few good visits so far, I had a flexible part time job, and he got benefits enough for him and his dad to live on, so not ideal. We are now both attending university.. so we will have more of a hope to close the distance in the future, but it means we might not get a visit this summer.. As it stands we have to see a summer 2014 visit as a bonus and just plan for summer 2015 when he'll be graduated with his BSc and I'll have 2-3 years to go, and then we still have at least a couple years to earn enough to save up for closing the distance.

          So despite your circumstances and how hard it seems, don't give up on it. If you think you've found the man for you, go after it, don't give up, find your rhythm, what works best for your relationship, don't compare to others.. although it's great with this site if you can find others who are in a similar position because it helps give hope!! Communicate often, trust each other. If you are both committed to each other, I don't see how it is not possible. In my mind it is totally possible. I hope he gets a visa because that would make it easier for you two it seems, and good luck


            Hey, welcome to LFAD
            I'm actually in a very similar situation 1,5 years and 3 visits down the line and we're doing great.
            I met my SO at a national park in Ghana. He was the bar supervisor at the hotel. So I got to know him a bit in the course of that week and really started liking him, which I thought was crazy, too btw. I went back to the town I was volunteering in and we still kept in touch, talking every evening on the phone. Then, 2 months later, just before I left Ghana all together, he got on a bus and came to stay with me for 2 days to say goodbye. I was won over.
            When I got home, I thought that this will never work out. I didn't know when I'd see him again and so many people were telling how ALL african men couldn't be trusted (ALL of the people who had never even been to Africa that is)
            So we started texting a lot, talking on Facebook and skyping. After 8 months, I finally had the time off work and the money to go back for 5 weeks and it was amazing. I also went back for his birthday this past June and now we're waiting again.

            It takes a lot of work and sacrifices on both ends, but if you really want to make it work, you definitely can !
            I wish you all the best Oh, I really hope he'll get that visa ! I know it's a tricky one.

