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How do you cope saying goodbye

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    How do you cope saying goodbye

    My significant other left this morning after a month together. I cried constantly for the 24 hours before he left and it feels as though my heart has been ripped out of my chest and he's took it with him. I just want him to be back here cause everything reminds me of him.

    How do you cope with saying goodbye at the airport?

    Goodbyes are hard, specially when you go to the airport. My first visit, we rode the train, and we still had a couple hours before he was leaving, but all I kept thinking is this ride is our last, and started to cry, and he comforted me trying to stay strong himself. But the actual goodbye when I was getting picked up and he had to take the train back to the airport. Was so hard. Goodbyes are never easy. You think maybe with time you get used to it, but every goodbye sucks. But you do get to look forward to things, when it gets closer, seeing the countdown get smaller. And the first day seeing each other again. the first days are amazing, pretty much one of the best things I love of being long distance.
    My advice is set a countdown, and if you can't just yet, pick a estimate date, that helps me. It gets easier at times, it's a up and down thing, some days are harder/easier then others.

    Best of luck!
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I don't handle goodbyes well. My boyfriend knows that well. ^^; Almost every time we say goodbye I come back to him at least twice before goign through security. This next time he's gonna be the one leaving... I don't know how I'll be able to handle that.

      He keeps saying, however, that it's not really goodbye, it's just 'see you later.' *shrugs* I guess that's how he's able to deal.


        I'm awful with goodbyes too, I get through by reminding myself that I wouldn't be upset if I didn't care and that it's only temporary. I then keep really busy when I get home.

        As an aside... I notice you're in Sheffield, I'm just up the m1 from you in Leeds


          I handle it reallllllllly bad. Last time I left I kept crying through my 8 hour flight back. It was just god awful. I am really not looking forward to it X_X

          Relationship began: 05/22/2012
          First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
          Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
          Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
          Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
          Married: 1/24/2015
          Became Resident: 9/14/2015


            I don't handle my goodbyes very well. I feel as though it has gotten a bit harder. When I left for the plane back to the US about three weeks ago, I could not hold it together. I was crying on and off throughout my flight back. It was also hard having to go through security... I think we just wanted to hold on to each other, and never let go. Though, at the end of the day, you still have to try to keep positive, and start planning on the next visit, or even an estimate of the next visit. After all, goodbye is not forever, and you will eventually se each other again.


              I've done my share of crying at airport toilets LOL
              And get quite teary eyed the evening before he leaves/I leave.
              When I get home I usually break down. But have noticed it's the one day I need to cry and then it gets easier.
              I do feel quite down for a week or so before getting back to my normal life.
              It helps having a count down.


                I can't handle goodbyes very well either... I start feeling that he is actually leaving on the day itself and don't want to cling on him too much... cause that makes me miss him more. Can't cry, can't make him sad.
                In the end, I just push him away :') Might be a bit harsh to do, but it prevents me from breaking down into tears and begging him to stay.
                Last time we said our goodbyes, I did feel miserable for a few days. The bed was so cold
                You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness


                  I say it as quickly as possible. He drops me off where he can't stop and park, so I have to just jump out of the truck, grab my bag and give him a quick kiss, and say "See you soon". I used to cry a lot before I left, now I hold it together a little better until I'm at least inside the airport! I want to maximise the good time we have together, right up until I get out of the truck.

                  Once I get home, I message him to say I've landed straight away, and I usually have my good big cry in the shower and get it all out. I think it's healthy to be sad to be apart, and healthy to acknowledge that I'm sad, rather than try not to be. Then when I've had my cry, I have a cup of tea and get on with life - usually by booking the next trip so we have a date to look forward to. I know I'll see him again, so I don't view it as "goodbye".
                  Last edited by Lovebee; October 26, 2013, 07:39 AM. Reason: Typos
                  London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


                    My SO and I usually get all the sobs out before we make it to the airport. Any casual bystander would think we're just two happy people wishing each other farewell by how nonchalantly we say goodbye at the airport. Last time, there was no kiss or hugs. If I remember correctly, we waved goodbye and both just parted ways. I kind of go into shock whenever we say goodbye, because it never feels like it's actually happening until I'm home in my bed alone and nothing smells like him anymore. But yeah, we get all the cries out a day or two before, but the day of leaving we try to keep things positive and happy because it's not really goodbye, it's see you later.


                      So interesting.. Normally I really have to fight tears and everything.
                      But I just said goodbye 2 hours ago and am now waiting on my plane and I feel really happy about our time together!

                      The difference: we know exactly when we will see eachother again, while before it was always unsure IF and WHEN.
                      Knowing really helps..


                        Originally posted by Safihre View Post
                        So interesting.. Normally I really have to fight tears and everything.
                        But I just said goodbye 2 hours ago and am now waiting on my plane and I feel really happy about our time together!

                        The difference: we know exactly when we will see eachother again, while before it was always unsure IF and WHEN.
                        Knowing really helps..
                        I agree! I've noticed that saying good bye isn't that tough when you know the exact date you will see each other again


                          Actually, I don't think goodbyes are that bad. I sometimes react slowly to what is happening, so I tend to get reactions and emotionas some time after the real event. It tends to be a mix of emotions. When my SO texted me on the plane it did not really feel as though I was leaving. I just felt it after I got home, and some of the skype dates rightg after I got home were emptional for me. In a number of potentionally emotional situations I tend to go cold and just feel the rush of emotions afterwards, like I postphone whatever it is that I am feeling. So going into the airport I would not feel emotional I think, ever. But on the plane I could get cranky and miss him.
                          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                            I get through it by thinking it as a "see you later" and never a "goodbye". We always have a rough plan for seeing each other again, even if it's a year or two away. And we always know we will speak to each other online again so it's not like we are breaking up or leaving for good.

                            Also we've never had a goodbye at the airport, it's always been me going away in a taxi. And while I'm in the taxi I think about how I want to say "stop!" and jump out and run back to where he is. Or when I'm in the airport. I basically am just a quiet person all through the airport, not smiling and excited like I am to go to see him. I know it is harder for him because I leave and he's stuck back with all the memories and not kept busy with the taxi, flight, and everything. That doesn't mean it's not hard for me. But I sort of go stoic and emotionless to get through the travel time and things. Usually we'll end up getting a bit emotional before I leave but we try and hold it together best we can to enjoy every second left.. and then when we get back of course we both go through emotional times especially when we are adjusting to being apart again.


                              For me it's worse when I'm the one staying behind. That lonely drive home after he boards his flight, and coming home to a flat we shared together just a few hours before is the worst. But to be honest, saying goodbye is the worst part of the distance for me and the first day is always hard. But as soon as I fall back into my old routine, I feel happy again.

                              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

