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What shall I do?

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    What shall I do?

    Nevermind ^^ Cant delete this unfortunately. I think I figured it out myself
    Last edited by LDLovebird; November 7, 2013, 11:01 AM.

    Sometimes I don't hear from my boyfriend for a day or two, but it's generally because he's busy, or dealing with some personal stuff. (Example: I barely heard from him a few weeks ago when he was dealing with some drama at home.) Why is he cancelling Skype dates? Has he given you a reason? If he hasn't given you a reason, then I'd ask him about it.


      Thanks. Yeah I think he is just busy too. And he was sick and thats why he cancelled he said. I think even when busy you can text your so that you wont have time for them for a day or so though. but i decided not to say anything. i just hope he is ok.

