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back to old fashion...

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    back to old fashion...

    My mobile phone broke yesterday and I am extremly frustrated about it.
    My SO and I usually text in the morning.
    We wake up at different times but there is always a short message waiting for whoever wakes up later that day.
    It feels like a part is misssing not being able to write him one today.

    I will send the phone in for repair, but it is going to take some days until its fixed.
    Texting, voice messaging, sending pictures... it's amazing how depedant on a mobile you can become.

    We currently switched to e-mails instead, since I can receive them at work (while he receives them on his phone),
    but I'm considering sending a handwritten letter as well, because it's something we never did before and hopefully it'll put a smile on his face.

    How do you cope when technology fails?

    To be perfectly honest, I absolutely love being disconnected from technology from time to time. I feel a lot more free without it. When I go camping, sometimes I don't have phone reception, and if I'm really missing my SO, yes it can be difficult, but I also love the feeling of not having to check my phone all the time and have it on me. Maybe I'm crazy like that but just being outdoors and away from all that for sometimes a week is just really good.

    Otherwise, at one point earlier in our relationship, my computer at home died. At this point we weren't texting/calling yet so all we had was msn and emails etc. So pretty much every day for about a month I caught the bus to the library and used one of their computers for two hours to e-mail him before going home again. It was a pain in the bum, but when an old fashioned letter can take a week or two to travel the world, making that trip to e-mail was more efficient :P
    Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
    First met: June 13th 2006


      I love emails, in fact I miss them sometimes now that we are together haha.

      In my experience you can have much more meaningful talks through emails because it gives you time to think about what you type and to edit before you send it if necessary. And yes, the occasional handwritten letter is such a nice detail! ❤

      I remember this one time he sent me a letter, he didn't tell me about it but after a while our relationship was going through a rough patch, we still talked everyday but I was feeling anxious and sad, then boom, I get the sweetest letter, it ended up arriving just in time to make me feel better so the delay is not always bad.

      There was also a time when he was moving around from base to base in Afghanistan and he just didn't have a reliable connection, he let me know in advance so I was ok with it. So one day he sent me this reaaally long email he typed in bits and pieces whenever he had free time... that includes on the field, on his phone/ipad and sent it the first chance he had.

      Both those times it meant the world to me, because it showed he really was thinking about me all the time

