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Uncertainty & expectations after first visit!!!

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    Uncertainty & expectations after first visit!!!

    This is my first post; I hope you can help me.

    I’ll try to make I short, met my SO last June on a website, he lives in Germany and I live in Mexico, He is 47 and I’m 42 and we are both divorced, since we met, I liked him so much, his personality, it was so easy to talk to him, he made me laugh and it was mutual we start talking on whatsapp and a couple of weeks later we tried the facetime to see each other, we were texting all day long, sending us pictures and in the morning the best thing was to read his messages on my phone!!!
    After a month he send me an email telling me he wanted to come and visit in October, I said immediately yes, I was so happy to met him, we continued the same communication, emails, messaging all day and speaking on the phone once or twice a week, we were both very excited about spending some time together, finally he came in October and we had 2 amazing weeks together, everything was just perfect, everything flow just right, everything that I expected about him was just exceeded by far!!!
    The thing is, despite that we talked about every subject you can imagine during all this time and this 2 weeks together, we never speak about us, I mean we never ask each other what our expectations are, or if we are going to see each other again, or what our feelings are, we told each other I love you, yes, and he sent me after he leave quite loving emails, and I thought I was fine with it, until now, almost a month after he left, I’m starting to feel anxious, I don’t have a clue of what he thinks of us, we are still texting each other all the time, but some days I just found myself thinking maybe he is dating other women, but I’m afraid to ask or bring the subject, I don’t want to be pushy, or to put any pressure on him, but I would love to know if he is thinking to really try to have a relationship, which I know is not easy at all, but I’m willing to make the effort, because I really love him.
    On the last days, I’ve been felling somehow sad about this, and then I’m feeling he is more busy at work or with friends and not communicating so often with me, but I also think it could be I’m not the same to him because this uncertainty is driving me crazy, and I don’t know if I should just be patient and let things flow, or bring the subject but I don’t want to be needy.
    I would really appreciate any advice!!!!

    Sounds like you just have to have a serious talk with him about your relationship. You've been together since June, I think it is a fair conversation to have. Say everything that you just wrote above. You would like to know if he is dating other people, etc so that you can do the same.

    Best of luck!

