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How do I cope with us being so far apart and me not being able to visit him yet?

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    How do I cope with us being so far apart and me not being able to visit him yet?

    He's in England, I'm in America. I first met him in March of this year(roughly 9 months ago) but officially met him in person in July of this year and it was nearly perfect with the exception of my current serious health condition.

    For the past 2 years, I have had severe insomnia that has left me with crippling exhaustion every single day as I don't get enough sleep. I also have some other health issues all of which leave me feeling depressed and hopeless. Because I'm so exhausted, I'm sure you'd understand why I'm unable to travel abroad to visit him. It's sad as since I was 5 years old, I wanted to visit England. Now that I have an incredible reason to go as many times as I can afford to visit the man I adore, I just can't go. He is studying so he doesn't have too many opportunities to get time off and when he does, I have work. It's all horrible timing but if I could travel to him, I could stay with him as he works/studies and do something nice together on the weekends. He's coming here in 3 weeks even though I have to work some (I'm stuck in retail at the moment) so that'll be great, of course but after he leaves..I just want to visit him in England. He's off from University right now but goes back soon. After he goes back, he won't be able to come here until June!

    Any ideas on how to cope with this situation? It hurts me so much as I do love him dearly. We Skype every other day and text every single day.
    Last edited by hopefulteapot; December 5, 2013, 02:08 PM.

    Are you more upset about not being able to visit England or about the time spent with him?


      Originally posted by itwasmeanttobe View Post
      Are you more upset about not being able to visit England or about the time spent with him?
      I realize how that could have come across and that's definitely not what I meant. I love him, not England. I'd only visit England for him and because I really want to meet his family and friends he talks so much about. I want to visit his house, have a family meal, walk in his town with him, see what his family are like. I definitely just meant that differently!


        Is there absolutely no way your health could allow you to visit, there are very few conditions that there isn't a way around when it comes to travel. If insomnia is your main problem, I'm not clear on how that stops you travelling. It may even do you some good.


          Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
          Is there absolutely no way your health could allow you to visit, there are very few conditions that there isn't a way around when it comes to travel. If insomnia is your main problem, I'm not clear on how that stops you travelling. It may even do you some good.
          I guess if you don't understand exhaustion, you wouldn't get. Basically, I had to cut my work hours because I have to constantly sit down, I can't go to a movie with friends anymore as my eyes can't remain open and when I'm out shopping with friends, I have fainting spells. I get 0-3 hours of sleep every day so my body constantly feels extremely weak and getting up out of bed in the morning is a chore. I know it's not even an ideal time to have started a relationship as I'm so fatigued but we just have so much in common and we get each other. I guess the heart wants what the heart wants and there's no stopping it. If he were closer, it wouldn't be too much of an issue but because the time differences and jet lag, It would obviously make me even worse off than I am now. I wouldn't even be myself with his family and I'd definitely want to be myself when I meet his family for the first time. Hopefully now you get what I mean.

          It's just hard being apart, I really need to see him more often. I don't know why my heart was stolen by someone who lives so far away. How do you do it?
          Last edited by hopefulteapot; December 6, 2013, 01:18 AM.


            I don't mean to be personal and you dont even have to comment, but have you tried seeing someone about your medical problems? I'm not a doctor and am completely clueless but there might be some steps out there or medication that might be able to help you get better and eventually be able to travel?

            *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

            We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!

