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Lonely Utahn..

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    Lonely Utahn..

    Feeling a bit lonely lately . And wishing I had nearby friends who understood and supported me... Really just wishing I had friends... Was wondering if there were any other Utahns around on here other than the one I already know of. I wish there was a forum/thread where everyone could meet people nearby.

    I'm sorry you are feeling lonely. Being in a LDR, I have those times, too. This forum has helped me with that. I'm not from Utah, but I hope you can find some that are.

    It's hard to find friends that are nearby and have things in common with you, but don't give up. Find someway to get out and meet others. I know that's not what you need to hear, but you do need to be around others when you feel down.


      Originally posted by piratemama View Post
      I'm sorry you are feeling lonely. Being in a LDR, I have those times, too. This forum has helped me with that. I'm not from Utah, but I hope you can find some that are.

      It's hard to find friends that are nearby and have things in common with you, but don't give up. Find someway to get out and meet others. I know that's not what you need to hear, but you do need to be around others when you feel down.
      Thank you. I know I need to get out and meet people. I think that's what puts the most strain on my relationship as I don't have friends to go do things with and talk to when I'm down so I rely on my SO way too much..

      My problem is, I just don't know how to go about meeting people. I'm a little shy and anxious about whether or not people will like me I do try though. Even had a meetup plans with some other like minded moms set up but my baby got sick so I had to cancel :| sorry if I'm rambling.

      Thanks for your support though.


        I know how you feel dear! I too do not have any friends and I have tried everything I can think of! It's difficult with my job and the way we work to hang out with people unless it's one of the three weekends I have off in two months and even then, it's difficult. I feel like I rely on my SO too much as well so I try to not burden him with my thoughts/feelings although we just had a mega long talk tonight because it's been upsetting him that I hold back, who knew? Getting out to meet people is HARD! I never had any issues in school with making friends but in the working world, it's so difficult! Being on this forum has helped me a lot as well as getting a furbaby. My Whiskers is always here for me and a great listener. While it's not the same as having friends, it does help and I'm not as lonely. You can always message me if you need someone's ear to bend and it would be cool if there was a way to meet up with others here.

        p.s. your son looks so cute in your avatar picture!
        Our love story:
        Attended the same high school 2004-2007
        Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
        Reconnected: August 2012
        Began dating LD: November 2012
        Engaged! March 2014
        Closing the distance: December 2015


          Dang. Too bad I don't still live in Utah and we could be friends! I lived there for 18 years (plus summers during college) and (strangely) have been missing it recently. People are so friendly there. And I found it easier to make friends there than here!

          Anyway, I totally understand where you are coming from. I am so lonely I can hardly stand it. I thought that it'd be easier once my 1st child got into school. But she's been in school now for 3 years and I still don't have a friend! I even made a desperate attempt and sent my phone number home with all of her friends with a note asking their parents to call me and we could get the girls together outside of school. How many calls did I receive? ZERO.

          Okay, let me think back to my time in Utah and where I met friends. Work. Do you work? I met some people in classes- like I took those continuing education classes offered by the U and in yoga class. Do you have any mommy and me classes where you are? Or are there mom/baby yoga classes? I think using you kid to make friends is the best option if you're shy, because you basically use the kid as an excuse to get together again. I was in Seattle this summer and my 5 year old was having lots of fun with this other girl. I started chatting with her dad and we even made a plan to meet at the same park a few days later at the same time so the girls could play again.

          Just some ideas! Hope it helps because I know how hard it is to be lonely and what a strain it can put on your relationship.


            The meeting up with other moms sounds like a good idea. Will they be meeting again sometime soon?
            I remember being super lonely with my first child because I was also going through bad depression at that time.

            Could there be something on meetup . com in your area?


              Originally posted by Heavenly_Love12 View Post
              I know how you feel dear! I too do not have any friends and I have tried everything I can think of! It's difficult with my job and the way we work to hang out with people unless it's one of the three weekends I have off in two months and even then, it's difficult. I feel like I rely on my SO too much as well so I try to not burden him with my thoughts/feelings although we just had a mega long talk tonight because it's been upsetting him that I hold back, who knew? Getting out to meet people is HARD! I never had any issues in school with making friends but in the working world, it's so difficult! Being on this forum has helped me a lot as well as getting a furbaby. My Whiskers is always here for me and a great listener. While it's not the same as having friends, it does help and I'm not as lonely. You can always message me if you need someone's ear to bend and it would be cool if there was a way to meet up with others here.

              p.s. your son looks so cute in your avatar picture!
              Thank you =]
              I am not working. I'm a stay at home mom and a college student. I took one class on campus last semester hoping I would make friends but that didn't happen =| this semester I'm doing all online classes. I wish my SO didn't seem to get so burdened with being my only support.. But I know he does. Thanks for your advice/support :]

              Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
              Dang. Too bad I don't still live in Utah and we could be friends! I lived there for 18 years (plus summers during college) and (strangely) have been missing it recently. People are so friendly there. And I found it easier to make friends there than here!

              Anyway, I totally understand where you are coming from. I am so lonely I can hardly stand it. I thought that it'd be easier once my 1st child got into school. But she's been in school now for 3 years and I still don't have a friend! I even made a desperate attempt and sent my phone number home with all of her friends with a note asking their parents to call me and we could get the girls together outside of school. How many calls did I receive? ZERO.

              Okay, let me think back to my time in Utah and where I met friends. Work. Do you work? I met some people in classes- like I took those continuing education classes offered by the U and in yoga class. Do you have any mommy and me classes where you are? Or are there mom/baby yoga classes? I think using you kid to make friends is the best option if you're shy, because you basically use the kid as an excuse to get together again. I was in Seattle this summer and my 5 year old was having lots of fun with this other girl. I started chatting with her dad and we even made a plan to meet at the same park a few days later at the same time so the girls could play again.

              Just some ideas! Hope it helps because I know how hard it is to be lonely and what a strain it can put on your relationship.
              There are classes available to go to but I am on an extremely tight budget and don't have my own vehicle. People are really friendly here but I feel kind of like the minority as I'm not LDS. I feel if I was LDS I would have more friends lol. I will try to be meeting up with some other moms in my area soon so I can hope I might make a friend or two. I don't even know how you go about making friends lol. Sometimes I want to add someone on Facebook but I don't want to come off as creepy haha.. Thanks for your advice ^^

              Originally posted by Ahava View Post
              The meeting up with other moms sounds like a good idea. Will they be meeting again sometime soon?
              I remember being super lonely with my first child because I was also going through bad depression at that time.

              Could there be something on meetup . com in your area?
              I have been a part of a group on Meetup but the groups seem to be for moms with older children so I never went to a meet up as I didn't want to be the only one just sitting with a baby while all the other moms have older kids.. I hate being the awkward one who doesn't fit in

              But I should be able to go to a group meet up from a FB group I'm part of soon. Just depends on whether or not I have time with my studies. =]

