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Ladies: any of you traveled to see your SO first?

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    Originally posted by Chlo View Post
    I shouldnt travel to/or be in Egypt alone. I think that applies to most places though. Can never be too careful!
    I guess it depends on what you mean by travel alone. If you go by a charter company they practically walk you to the door, book you in at safe hotels etc. Otherwise if you are used to travel alone or with just a few friends, you will know what to do if something unexpected happens. Your so can facilitate things like bus or taxi, hotel etc. I think it is rather nice to travel alone but only if I feel confidant about the different parts of the journey. I wouldn't neccesarily feel safer in a crowd, only if the others were experienced, like had been there before or at least travelled more than me.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      I am going to say first and foremost this is not meant to be a political comment, so hopefully nobody will try to make it seem so.

      I think that in todays day and age their are some places around the globe where being an American is not necessarily the safest thing to be.To put it bluntly some of the world hates us. I don't wish to discuss the right or wrong of that, just stating the fact from a safety point of veiw. On top of this, being a female can make you even more of a target. There are more than a few countries my Dutch man has told me he does not want me travelling to alone. I plan on heeding his words in this case. There are also certain parts of Philly, I would not be caught dead in alone so danger is danger and sometimes certain global matters make this one a no brainer for me and I love to travel and I am an experienced traveler, but safety comes first.
      "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
      Benjamin Franklin


        I'm actually flying to see my SO in a couple of weeks. I've never travelled alone, so I am a bit scared, but most of all anxious. We're seeing each other irl for the first time. SO NERVOUS. Wish me luck.


          Good luck, Maribeth! I'm sure all will go just fine.
          February 2012 -- met online
          August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
          April 2013 -- met in person
          June 2013 -- broke up
          July 2013 -- back together
          August 2013 -- 2nd visit
          October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
          April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!


            I was the one who traveled first because when I left FInland, we weren't sure if we would last. I wanted to see him but he never mentioned how he missed me until a year outside. Of course Finnish men do not say their feelings so I never knew. I just didn't feel safe putting my relationship into the hands of fate and asking "what if?" I always take the bull by the horns. Because I am so into sending gifts and keeping in contact. I have taught him about small talk since we have been together. I paid for all of the plane trips there. I just stayed with him and he drove us around. It wasnt quite fair but at least I didnt need a hotel. Although I stayed in Helsinki for the summer for my research and he came there to visit me on weekends. I had to pay rent then. Sometimes I guess you just gotta make sacrifices if you really want ti to work out; dont listen to other people! They will tell you if he isn't willing to come here he doesn't love you! I say in Finnish "hopo hopo" lol!


              I can see why you would say that but I travel all the time and I have for a number of years. Yes, you gotta keep your eyes open. I find that people don't like Americans but they LOVE me! I dont know why but wherever I go people love to hear me talk (sounds like TV they say). They want to know if I voted for GW Bush. They want to know more about America. Whatever we do when we are out there reflects on the whole country. If more people go and they saw for themselves (not the media) how great Americans are... they would begin to love us! Don't be sacred.. be nice!!


                I went and saw him first I was soo nervous and in the taxi ride I swear I felt like I was about to be sick lol I'll always remember the first time I saw him

                *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

                We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


                  i went by myself, and being only just turning 18 i had never traveled alone before but everything turned out great!


                    I am going to USA to meet my bf for the first time. I live in England, near London and it is cheaper for me to come there first, not sure why that is. But I am looking forward to it as I love America anyway, I have flown overseas before to live and work in Europe and once in America, Colorado. So flying to another country is nothing new to me, my SO hasn't even flown out of The States before, but one day he will come visit me in UK. I am happy to be the one going to his country really for more visits. I am going this April to USA for 2 months and it is a big step for me but I know it is the best decision I have ever made and we have already spoken about what we will do when I come. Also its more convientent as he has his own apartment, so I won't have to worry about paying for accomendation, as if he came to UK I don't have my own place, so it would mean he stayed in a hotel which would be expensive.


                      I was the one that traveled to see him.I was nervous and not quite sure what to expect. It was a short, three day weekend trip and it was over before I knew it. It was enough time for us to decide we wanted to continue our relationship and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Once we met, everything fell into place and it felt very natural.


                        I went to visit him first, but I wasn't alone. It was an educational school trip (which may sound like a pleonasm, but some school trips are solely for fun). There was a day where we would go to Amsterdam and have the afternoon for ourselves to explore the city, so I asked him to go there with some mutual friends so we could meet. That was also the first time we met in person. This April however I will go visit him on my own for the first time. Kinda scary but also exciting.


                          I am going to visit him first around late this year. I'm pretty much nervous just thinking about it because I have never travelled in Europe before, I don't speak my SO's language(He is Dutch), and I may be staying with him at his parents' house. And I hope racism isn't that big in countryside part of NL. That, I'm much scared about.


                            Hi, I traveled to see my SO first because he had his own place and we wanted to spend quality time together. Plus, I thought it would be fun to visit his hometown since I never been there before.


                              I was the first one to make the move and say that I was going to visit first.
                              The major reason was of course to see him
                              the other reason was because it was a great opportunity to visit another country, especially it being Italy.

                              If you have the money to go and the time then you should go. Take advantage. And then you two can plan the next visit for him to come and see you
                              Met August 2012
                              Official Nov. 18 2012
                              Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
                              He's visiting April 7-28 2014
                              I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014


                                I traveled to him first and always did until now. I have a job, he's still a student, he has his own place while I live with my parents and siblings so it's the best option for us at the moment. But that might change later
                                It was the first time I traveled so far (I never really traveled before xD), but it wasn't too stressful as I "only" had to take 2 trains

