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Seemingly headed for disaster

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    Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
    If his stomach is upset, no sleep medication in the world is going to help him! It will make it hard to breathe because the intensitines are involved in the breathing process, also pain may keep him awake. If he really tried the allergy diet without sucess, he may try the LOW FODMAP diet for a month to see if it helps him - this is the new, scientific diet for gut problems of any kind. The thing about Low FODMAP is that it sound absolutely illogical (hence the "no matter what I eat"), but if you follow it is likely to have an effect, because it makes the digestion easier for everyone, but especially it will make upset stomachs feel "normal".
    I remember after he found out he was allergic to fructose and lactose, he got a list of things to avoid from his doctor. I'm not sure that he ever seriously followed the list. He made the comment that practically everything he eats has one or both of them, and it made him pretty depressed at first. He bought something to take for the lactose intolerance but he says they are not helpful. Thank you for sharing that link, I will pass it on, but unfortunately I have the feeling he won't take it seriously.

    As the pattern has been the last few weeks, we spent the weekend together online and come Sunday evening he said "Hopefully I see you tomorrow, as long as our nights go well". In my mind I was jokingly thinking "see you on Friday", but I held back. He didn't sleep well on Sunday night as usual, so we didn't see/talk to each other yesterday. I don't know how last night went but I have the feeling I won't see him unless I say something first. He has accused me of not caring about him and his health issues before. I couldn't believe it! I've bugged him several times to see a doctor, do some exercising, etc. I recommended an app to him that would remind him to take his medication. I'm just so frustrated that he doesn't seem to be doing anything to improve his situation.

    Thank you by the way to everyone else that has left a response on this thread. I really appreciate it.


      Hi there! I'm new here but I've been reading your thread and I just wanted to say that from what I read it seems your BF might be suffering from symptoms of depression. Sometimes this can be caused by lack of sleep (as someone mentioned above, lack of sleep does CRAZY things to the body... in my case it sends my anxiety into overdrive). My boyfriend suffers from insomnia too and I can tell when he hasn't slept well because he starts acting different. The issue I see is that he might be suffering from depression ASIDE from his sleeping problems. Have you tried talking to him about this?

      Good luck! As someone that suffers mental disorders I can understand sometimes these things are hard to understand... Lots of love to you.


        Yes I have suspected he is dealing with some kind of mental issues and suggested he go see a psychiatrist. As usual, it doesn't go any farther than that, and he gave me a strange answer like he worries there will be some kind of stigma within his family if he starts going. I myself dealt (and still do to some degree) with depression and anxiety and told him that there is nothing unusual about seeking mental help. I sound like a broken record..

        As for my post when I created this thread, he confused me even more about why he didn't reply to my message and didn't talk to me for days. I thought it was because he suspected I was possibly playing with someone. We had a conversation last week and he told me something like it bugged him that I had more time to myself than he does. I think we have about the same though? He says there are no positives to being the earlier timezone. He did say that if he did see me playing with other people, that he would purposely play with others without me. I honestly don't care and I think he can be really immature sometimes. I don't do it so I don't have to hear from him, but deep down I miss playing with some of my other online friends that I can't usually play with because they are not online when he is.
        Last edited by applescruff; April 16, 2014, 11:01 AM.

