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Feeling depressed D: need some advice/encouragement?

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    Feeling depressed D: need some advice/encouragement?

    Alright, so Im new with this whole forum stuff. Just feeling depressed with my long distance relationship so I thought I'd give this a try.

    So, the past few months have been really complicated. My bf and I met through a friend and before we were both living in the England though he was 4 hours away from where I live so it was a long distance to start with. It has been like that for a year and we got used to it but due to his dad's visa coming to an end (he's a dependant) he had to go back to the Philippines end of November last year. But before he went back he said that his family is applying for a visa but they have to apply from outside UK hence he had to go back. So at the moment we are still waiting for the result hopefully they get the visa but I'm getting really impatient and I feel like its becoming too much for me to handle. I still hope that he would come back. I keep being anxious and worried that what if they won't be able to come back. I don't know how we can be together. I am losing hope at the moment thats why Im here to find some encouragement I guess...and its really hard to get advice from my family since I don't want to tell them that he is not here in England anymore as they would judge him and say bad stuff about him being back there in Asia. I just think that if he doesn't come back its gonna be too hard since theres an 7/8 hours difference and whenever i think about him not coming back I see our future together becoming blurry. I hate this feeling of being worried and negative

    Also since I'm new here, I have read a few posts and I kept seeing this word: SO I am just wondering what that word is meant to be. Thank you

    SO means Signifcant Other. SO is your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover - the person you are in love with and have the long distance relationship with
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      SO = Significant Other

      You're awfully young to be in such a far distance. I think you should set a time for yourself on how long you'll allow yourself to wait, make it feasible and realistic. If you know you won't be able to deal with the distance for an undetermined amount of time, you have to consider what's best for yourself, and follow that. November isn't very long for a visa to go through, it's a complicated process, and you don't usually have a set time where you know you'll be approved. You just need to decide how long you can wait it out, and how long will be worth it to you. Good luck.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        hey, I know how you feel! Long distance is hard anyway, but the uncertainty of not knowing when you will see each other again makes it so much tougher!! I am in the same situation right now- I know we will see each other this year, but right now everything else is uncertain. What helps me through though is that I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and he wants that too. So we know all this will be worth it because this is only a year or two that we have to get through and then we can spend a lifetime together! Do you feel that way too, or is it too early in your relationship to tell?


          since he lives far away now the most important thing is to have good communication. my SO lives in America and although we haven't met in person yet, we try to keep in touch everyday. The time difference between here and there is 8 hours -.- it is a pain in the ass but I guess if you do want a future with him and see yourself with him in the long run then its worth it just hang in there. if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here
          talk to him about the way you feel, you guys both could figure out how to keep good communication between one another. also knowing he understands and the reassurance you can get from him would help with dealing with the distance

