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Book Suggestions

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    Book Suggestions

    I have been in a relationship for almost 5 years now and even lived with my SO but she is now volunteering through the Peace Corps in Namibia. Communication is there but not as good as I would like it due to technical difficulties with getting WiFi and stuff. In Namibia all data use is limited in weird ways and we are trying to establish a good system but we are still working out the kinks. I am fighting depression and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for some good books for long distance relationships for me to read and also suggest to my fiance. This is my first time posting and I am new to the forum. I just need positive reinforcement and guidance to try an occupy my mind in free time so my mind does not wonder.

    Hi there! Your situation sounds similar the situation my husband and I were in before we got married (and have been in a couple of times since - my husband is also a humanitarian worker and I am a psychologist who worked with relief workers). Since you're on the hunt for books, i have two to recommend. The first is my own memoir, Love At The Speed Of Email. It recently won a Writer's Digest Award.

    The second book is the Long Distance Relationship Survival Handbook. It's probably the best book I've read to date (there aren't many out there yet) specifically on LDR dynamics.

    Oh, and I almost forgot. I have another book that might interest you. 201 Great Discussion Questions For Couples In Long Distance Relationships.

    You can find all these books on Amazon by entering their titles. Can't wait to see others replies to this thread. I'm always looking for new books on LDRs to read.


      Thank you, I will look into getting these books.

