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Long distance dating sites

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    Long distance dating sites

    hi! folks this is Juan from Argentina. i join this site because i cannot find a decent website about long distance dating site with the obvious intention to meet in the future.
    so could anyone tell me a good long distance dating site in internet?

    thank you

    Why in the world would you be looking for an LDR? Do you have any idea how difficult they can be? Most of us have not met on LDR dating sites, we weren't looking to be in a distance relationship, it just happened, through other methods.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      thanx Moon for your message
      so please tell me which other methods?


        On other forums, when on a holiday in another country for example.
        But I agree with Moon. I think that most of the people in an LDR don't even want to be in an LDR, it just happened and we just have to deal with it.


          Almost any dating site could be used as a 'LDR dating site' because you can meet people all over the world online...

          Though I'm with the others.. a LDR is not an easy process, it is not easy being apart from the one you love. Though I met my boyfriend on a dating site, but it was a smaller site for people with Asperger's Syndrome because we both have it, and it was slow process and we became friends first before we both decided that despite the distance we would form a relationship, but we want to close the distance eventually even if it's *unfortunately* going to take a few years. I didn't join the site looking for a long distance relationship though. I joined initially because I kind of wanted a boyfriend but the site was really small and there weren't many males in my area, and I wasn't about to expand it out because I didn't know where to look. Later on, my boyfriend had joined and found me in the list of females because there were less females on the site than males, and liked my profile and then eventually we started talking and getting to know each other. We didn't start a relationship right away but built up a good friendship, with it's ups and downs, and the about a year after we started a relationship because we loved each other, despite the distance.

          Basically I think instead of looking for an LDR.. you'd be better off looking for a partner who likes some of the same things or has the same beliefs, or thinks a similar way about things... basically the way you would seek a relationship.. though be happy with yourself first and don't search for a relationship to make you *happy* especially not a long distance relationship. But you could join any dating site and talk to people regardless of whether they live near or far from you, and see whether you have things in common, see if you want to be friends with them.. and then maybe it will just be a good friendship or maybe more. And above else, be honest on your profile, and be wary of "red flags" and people who are dishonest.

          Most of us here (if not all) are in long distance relationships, because we care about the PERSON more than the distance...

          Be patient, talk to people, become friends with people that you meet. And if you both are single, you may be able to try a relationship, whether near or far. Long distance relationships, especially international, will have even more challenges, although any relationship will have their challenges but they will be different. Long distance relationships require patience, and trust, and communication, and DEDICATION and knowing you really want to be with someone.

