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I miss him and other issues

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    I miss him and other issues

    Okay. Besides the fact that my boyfriend is sick and I really want to take care of him but I can't obviously, I wanted to open a new threat in which we can share our thoughts about why we miss our SO and why we are sad etc.

    I miss my SO (though we haven't met yet), because talking to him or just seeing him on skype really calms me down. I love it when he stares at me and smiles like he is really happy. I miss him cause I get really sad when I see all the happy couples kissing and holding hands with eachother. I miss him cause he is the only one who can make my heart race. I miss him cause he makes me happy. I miss him cause he is as genuine as can be. I miss him cause he is super sweet and fun. And I miss him cause he is handsome, though looks actually don't really matter but he is just my honey bunch.

    And yes lucky me, kinda feeling depressed right now and I hate it. Don't know what I can do about it...

    So what about you? Why do you miss your SO?

    I think this is a lovely idea. Sometimes you just need to allow yourself to miss someone.
    I miss my SO. I miss the way he laughs, I miss the way we have serious conversations one minute and silly ones the next. I miss the fact that I can't just text him whenever I want and expect him to answer. I never realized that i took all that for granted, that his entire presence I took for granted. Every single day when I wake up, and there's no phone call, or text message waiting on my phone, my heart is broken and just when I start putting the pieces back together I wake up again and my heart is crushed.
    Recently, this has all been getting better, and I've become more peaceful. I still miss him, a lot, but with time it's definetly becoming easier. Thinking about the future makes this all so much easier, that and rereading old texts, playing back our last phone call in my head over and over and the fact that if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.
    All this has made this whole situation a little easier.
    The thing I miss the most is his voice.
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


      Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
      I think this is a lovely idea. Sometimes you just need to allow yourself to miss someone.
      I miss my SO. I miss the way he laughs, I miss the way we have serious conversations one minute and silly ones the next. I miss the fact that I can't just text him whenever I want and expect him to answer. I never realized that i took all that for granted, that his entire presence I took for granted. Every single day when I wake up, and there's no phone call, or text message waiting on my phone, my heart is broken and just when I start putting the pieces back together I wake up again and my heart is crushed.
      Recently, this has all been getting better, and I've become more peaceful. I still miss him, a lot, but with time it's definetly becoming easier. Thinking about the future makes this all so much easier, that and rereading old texts, playing back our last phone call in my head over and over and the fact that if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.
      All this has made this whole situation a little easier.
      The thing I miss the most is his voice.
      I know where you are coming from...I guess I am lucky. He texts me almost every night after work ( he is deployed). And he usually asks if I want to skype. But I try not to get used to it because there will def. come a time when we are not able to talk as often as we do now.
      We recently had a conversation about me moving to the US. I said that I hope that this will hopefully happen within the next year but also said that I was just kidding because I didn't knew if that's even possible. He said anything is possible and that we could try it. This gave me hope though this will be a tough and long way but he also said that this is worth it. And I know it is.
      I am so looking forward to our first meeting. I wish that I could buy a one way ticket but this is not possible for now...

      We are both still young and I am so so thankful that he choose to be with me though we are thousands of miles apart.


        Originally posted by Alma View Post
        I know where you are coming from...I guess I am lucky. He texts me almost every night after work ( he is deployed). And he usually asks if I want to skype. But I try not to get used to it because there will def. come a time when we are not able to talk as often as we do now.
        We recently had a conversation about me moving to the US. I said that I hope that this will hopefully happen within the next year but also said that I was just kidding because I didn't knew if that's even possible. He said anything is possible and that we could try it. This gave me hope though this will be a tough and long way but he also said that this is worth it. And I know it is.
        I am so looking forward to our first meeting. I wish that I could buy a one way ticket but this is not possible for now...

        We are both still young and I am so so thankful that he choose to be with me though we are thousands of miles apart.
        Yes, you are quite lucky, and yes, there will come a time one day. So cherish every moment, I know I will from now on. I don't want to imagine my future without him in it, life is so precious, and his presence in mine is more than I could ask for. One day we will only have to buy a one way ticket, that's the hope for everyone in an ldr I suppose. ^-^
        "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


          oh, that would be a long long list of all the things I miss about him. But there is definately a difference between good missing where you know that everything is okay between the two of you and you trust the future and the kind of missing where you are afraid of what is going on when you are not talking enough or not talking about moving on.
          Right now is a very hard place in our relationship and I think I will have to start a whole new thread on it soon.

          All in all missing and longing for someone means there are real deep feelings involved and it's a beautiful thing called love...


            I've never actually met my SO, but I do still miss all of the physical things.

            But I find myself missing him most when I'm not talking to him. That's when I crave him, not in a sexual way. But in a, I want your arms around me, my face buried in your chest, breathing you in, getting drunk on your colonel, your lips against my forehead, calming me as I shake; kinda way. Because he's the only one who has ever been able to calm me when my anxiety starts to get the best of me.

            I miss him in a, I really don't have anything to say but I want to talk to you anyways because your attention is so comforting, and I could listen to you talk about absolutely anything and never get bored; kinda way.


              I miss my SO because he makes me feel truly loved!


                Great thread topic! Alma I so feel you on seeing other couples. That hurts like no other.

                I miss my SO because he is the only person who is 100% in my corner all of the time. I miss having him here because he would make it a point for us to do something fun and/or relaxing every day, whereas I tend to let myself get bogged down with work and other obligations without taking a break. I miss having someone who will always be excited to go see every film and concert I want to go to. It's nice to be able to do those sort of things with family and friends sometimes, but I just went to see Jurassic Park at the drive-in by myself because only my SO would have wanted to go and I really didn't want to miss it. That gets old fast.

                I really miss having my SO here to tell my family to back off when they are being too needy/demanding (having his outside perspective comes in handy). I miss having my SO feed the cats in the morning so they don't paw at my face to wake me up. I hate sleeping alone too- that is a huge adjustment. I always have to sleep on the sofa for a week or so after one of us goes home. Also, I tend to get spooked at night sometimes when I'm by myself (stupid, I know). I miss making dinner, cleaning the house, going to the shop with my SO- those little domestic things that make you feel normal. We stay in contact throughout the day everyday, but it's still hard.


                  This is a really simple thing but i miss my SO because her hugs are just the most amazing thing in the world and being able to actually tell her i love her face to face was really nice and i miss that a lot.
                  my girls <3

                  Josie (SO)
                  Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                  Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                  Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                  Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                  Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                  Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                  Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                  All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


                    I miss the smell of him.

                    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                      Originally posted by TaraMarie View Post
                      I miss the smell of him.
                      Have him leave you a shirt between visits. I know the smell doesn't last forever but it's really comforting to me to have one of his shirts under my pillow

                      I miss making him dinner, getting groceries, going for a walk in the evening, going to bed together. All that plain ol' day to day stuff.
                      In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
                      In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
                      -- Maya Angelou


                        Originally posted by rhabdoviridae View Post
                        Have him leave you a shirt between visits. I know the smell doesn't last forever but it's really comforting to me to have one of his shirts under my pillow

                        I miss making him dinner, getting groceries, going for a walk in the evening, going to bed together. All that plain ol' day to day stuff.
                        We see each other every other weekend, so he leaves his cologne here. Sometimes I spray it on my pillow. But it's not the same without him. He laughs at me when I "sniff" M

                        I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                          Originally posted by TaraMarie View Post
                          We see each other every other weekend, so he leaves his cologne here. Sometimes I spray it on my pillow. But it's not the same without him. He laughs at me when I "sniff" M
                          Hehe one of the first things I do when he visits is take a big deep "sniff"!
                          In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
                          In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
                          -- Maya Angelou


                            I like to touch her nose, lips, hairs... It's so important to touch her, not only see


                              I miss to hear him...just his voice calms me down, even more so when he is in same room. Even him drunken sleep "Mmmm" in the morning is like lets me know I am ok. Also, I miss his skin, the feel and texture of it. I miss his smile... And of course the sex, but I don't want to think about that, it just makes me sad. I miss ruffling my fingers through his hair. I miss him saying "What do you want to drink?" and the taste of his drinks. I miss eating a late dinner and enjoying the evenings with him on the balcony with the insects hissing and the after-heat world coming alive. I miss his silly jokes, like him telling me he is going to get diabetes because I am so sweet... I even miss him going cold because I am about to leave because then I know it is really painful for him to be without me. I miss the way he walks.
                              I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                              - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                              "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

