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Advice on not being able to see my boyfriend for about 6 months

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    Advice on not being able to see my boyfriend for about 6 months

    Hey everyone,
    I am new to this and did not know there was a site about long distance relationships and happy I found it me and my boyfriend been together for 29 months, and I love him so much we are engaged together I have met him before he lives in England and I live in the USA there is a time difference he is 5 hours ahead of me which makes it so hard, but we Skype every day and night together. I so hate that I cannot be with him I just want to go through the cam to see him, but the sad part is I wont see him till the end of January where he is actually going to come and see me that is when I am graduating college, and I was going to be moving over to England with him to start our life together I did not know if anyone is in the same boat where they in the same boat I am in and can give me some advice it is so frustrating not seeing him.

    First of all, welcome to the forums!

    You seem to have a good plan on your future, good for you!! Having an idea on when you close the distance is always good Long distance relationships are difficult and going through being alone most of the time is painful, but in the end it will all be worth it. Browse around the forum to find a lot of helpful advice on how to deal with it

    Relationship began: 05/22/2012
    First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
    Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
    Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
    Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
    Married: 1/24/2015
    Became Resident: 9/14/2015


      Well I am also in a UK to US relationship, but we have never met.

      How I deal with the distance is mostly just thinking positive, doing things like a count down to when I will see him, and talking to my boyfriend as much as possible. Distance is difficult, and not seeing each other is hard. I wish you luck!


        Thank you. It is very hard, but I am glad we Skype, and can talk to each other. But I got to tell you those British accents though are to die for. Lol. I wish you luck too when you finally meet your boyfriend when you do it will be amazing.


          Thank you so much

          Feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to


            Hi there! My amazing man lives in the UK too. We have met a few times, but unfortunately it will still be a few months (less than a year hopefully but more than 6 months) until we are together in person again. It's hard to be in a long distance relationship.. also like you have two homes, you know, one where your family and some friends are, and other where your love is and his family/friends. I also am probably going to be the one moving to the UK, at least in the foreseeable (but still a few years away) future and then maybe one day we will be in Canada together, it's all up in the air.. I learned earlier on in the relationship just how quick plans can change.. but then you just have to work together to figure out the options you have and what you work together next.

            Anyway good luck in your plans and relationship and future together. Keep talking, and keep busy with your own work and/or hobbies while you are unable to talk until you are reunited and until you one day close the distance. And browse away on this forum for any helpful ideas.


              Originally posted by Brooklynn214 View Post
              Thank you. It is very hard, but I am glad we Skype, and can talk to each other. But I got to tell you those British accents though are to die for. Lol. I wish you luck too when you finally meet your boyfriend when you do it will be amazing.
              This is so true! The accent is a lovely perk- and makes it pretty easy for your SO to win over your family Having a date set for the next visit really helps, and hopefully you can just power through the rest of school and it will be January before you know it.


                We're in a very similar position, except I'm in the UK and he's USA. We've met a few times now but it's currently 6-months since last saw each other. We're very much hoping to get a date sorted soon for the next trip but it's been a complicated year with passports, illnesses and changes in jobs.


                  We are also going through a six month wait until we see each other again. He was here in the beginning of April and we will see each other in the beginning of October so luckily only 2 months to go.

                  It sounds like a lot of time, but luckily time flies. There are people on here who have had to wait a year in between visits.

                  Good luck with everything and welcome!


                    Another U.K. to USA here we always argue over who has the better accent haha, I really do think he's is better

                    The time difference can be really hard some days but I try my hardest to keep busy until he wakes up and then when I see him pop up on the phone I smile before I've even opened the's silly but I can't help it

                    After this next visit we will have the biggest wait we have had until we see each other again due to circumstances etc (it'll probably be February next) this website has been amazing though even if like me you just read more than post, to see others going through the same things always takes the edge of slightly, so I'd say try and keep as busy as possible, talk to each other as much as possible and pop in here every now and then - before you know it you'll be in each other's arms again

