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    Hi everyone , I recieved my passport today yay!!! After a loooooong 3 1/2 month wait!!!!! So we've decided that I will go visit my SO (canada) in September I'm from uk, thing is I've never been abroad before:/ I do to know where to start with flights, visa's Etc.... From looking on a website I don't think I need a visa just for a 2 week visit? But tbh I don't understand half the stuff I'm reading :/... Does anyone have any advice for a newbie traveller that would useful for me it would be muchly appreciated must say I'm terribly nervous about it all..... But very excited I can't wait to finally hold my love 😍☺️

    From my relatives, I know you'll be fine to stay here as a visitor for up to 6 months (out of the year, total) without a visa. If you've got a round trip flight booked, proving that you have plans to go home, there really shouldn't be any trouble.

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      Not sure if you'll be visiting a part of Canada where this is feasible, but if you want to make a trip to the US during your stay don't forget to apply for ESTA.


        Thnx for replies I will now look up about this esta.... And the flight will be going to Toronto but I'm staying in Ontario 😊


          As for flights I know it's abit more expensive but I'm looking for direct flights as this is my first time on a plane and thought of getting off one plane and waiting around for another on my own scares the cr*p outta me .....


            If you do have to book a flight that has a connecter, make sure to give yourself at least 1.5 hours in the layover. This way, you'll be able to take your time and ask airport staff where to go or if you have any questions. Most airport staff are helpful, especially if you let them know you're a first-time flyer. Have a good visit!
            When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
            no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


              I recently had to go on my very first plane ride to see my mother for the first time in...over a decade. So...

              -Don't drink too much, but be hydrated before the flight. (Basically be hydrated but avoid using the plane bathroom if possible. This probably means you should include layovers in your flight.)
              -Get plenty of rest any chance you get to ensure the time changes are fairly smooth for you. (Depending on what type of time change is being induced. If you're going backward in time, DEFINITELY NAP. If going forward, you'll probably be fine.)
              -Take gum with you. Chewing it reduces the pressure in your ears when you ascend.
              -Be relaxed, optimistic, attentive, and listen.
              -------You cannot panic on a plane; you will NOT have a good flight. Never ever think something bad will happen, because then it will. The attendants and captains say important things; attend the speaking and listen up.
              -Remember to make sure you understand all baggage rules for your airline. If you end up on a plane with luggage that will not fit in that're gonna be toast. And remember...if it doesn't look like it'll fit...all the pushing and pressing in the world will NOT make it fit.
              -When the seatbelt sign is on...obviously, please put the belt on.
              -When taking off or landing, I recommend fully having your back on the seat. It reduces the forces felt when the plane is changing altitudes, for me anyway.

              ^^ Be safe and happy on your trip. Flights are a lot of fun.


                Thnx angel some useful info there , I have no idea what the luggage rules are where can I read about these??? Also may sounds silly but can u use mobiles whilst flying? Most direct flights are around 8 hrs with time going backwards so a nap is definitely planned if I can with all the anxiety/excitement... How early am I best to get to the airport?


                  Originally posted by Sammie❤️Drew View Post
                  Thnx angel some useful info there , I have no idea what the luggage rules are where can I read about these??? Also may sounds silly but can u use mobiles whilst flying? Most direct flights are around 8 hrs with time going backwards so a nap is definitely planned if I can with all the anxiety/excitement... How early am I best to get to the airport?
                  You can read about the luggage rules on the airlines website as well as on the website for the airport usually, always go with the airline regulations though. It would be useful to check with customs too if there are any items you can't bring.

                  You can use your mobile during most flights now but it has to be set on flight mode, meaning you can't use the internet or make any calls.

                  How early you get to the airport kind of depends on which airport you go from, assuming it's in scale with London Heathrow I'd say get there around 2 hours in advance minimum (if you do go from LHR don't get stressed about delays either, it's safe to assume you'll be in the air about 30 minutes after the scheduled departure and the airlines account for that due to overbooking being more the rule than the exception. HOWEVER, always be on time to the gate!). 2 hours leaves you time to check in any bags, get through security and even grab a bite/buy something for a snack on the plane before you go to the gate. Big airports can feel quite intimidating and busy but they are all well signposted and the staff is there to help.
                  We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                    It might be a good idea to bring some dramamine too, if it's available in the UK. IT will ease any flight jitters and help you sleep on the plane.


                      Hey! My first flight was to the UK to meet my boyfriend and also for 2 weeks so you should be good, as long as you have the return ticket booked and enough money for that trip to cover any expenses you might have. And maybe a credit card as a backup in case of emergency. My favourite discount direct flight site between Canada and the UK is Canadian Affair (google it! It should be . com for travels to Canada I think, though I always use . ca because I fly to the UK!). They fly with air transit planes, at least last time I flew (last summer). Though there's not always round trips available from/to all destinations. For example Vancouver-Manchester direct flights only operate May through September or October.. but I think you said Ontario so I'm guessing there should be more flights available... and if you are flying from London, there should be more flights too, I flew Vancouver-London Gatwick direct flight in November a few years ago, that was my first flight, but now I fly to and from Manchester, so much closer! haha

                      And buy snacks and water in departures lounge so you don't have to worry about what snacks are okay through security, and don't have to worry about buying on the plane.. because they might not have what you want and it's also a hassle to call the flight attendant... or at least for me since I don't like drawing attention to myself. :P I avoid using the bathroom on the plane when I can, although it's difficult and unhealthy at times because of the 8-9 hour flight! So sometimes I just have to, but usually I just sip on water whenever I'm thirsty so it's not too bad. And bring lots to do, activity books (crosswords, wordsearches, etc), books, maybe a magazine?.. they usually have the personal TVs on the back of the seats.. but my last flight was an older plane and only had the TVs in the middle of the aisles.. I don't use my phone on flights at all because I don't need to (can't make calls or use internet anyway - until they put wifi on international flights one day) and also need to conserve battery.. even if I won't be able to use it as a phone in the UK (I made that possible only the one visit), it would make me more nervous if it ran out of battery so that's just what I do. :P I bring enough other stuff to do. Although the first visit, I was so nervous and excited that I couldn't concentrate on anything for that long. Though it's better with the more recent flights because I am less nervous and more excited because I know more of what to expect.

                      Good luck and have a good flight when you do fly!


                        U guys r a great help thanks for the tips x


                          I'm sooooo nervous about everything I'm a constant worrier lol...


                            Originally posted by AngelofFluffiness View Post
                            -Remember to make sure you understand all baggage rules for your airline. If you end up on a plane with luggage that will not fit in that're gonna be toast. And remember...if it doesn't look like it'll fit...all the pushing and pressing in the world will NOT make it fit.

                            I'm not sure what "you're gonna be toast" means here, because it's really not that dramatic.
                            They aren't just gonna throw your luggage off the plane or something. If it looks to the boarding agent like it won't fit in that plane's overhead, they'll put it in checked luggage before you even get on the plane. If you get on, and it just doesn't fit (or you board near the end and everyone else already took all the overhead bin spots) they'll add it to checked luggage right then, too. They tag it and the ground crew comes and gets it. Usually they'll have you pick it up planeside when you get off at your destination, as opposed to it going through baggage claim, but they'll tell you that and direct you to where it is. (Or, follow the people with the children looking for their stroller! I always seem to have one of them.)

                            That said, don't be one of those people who takes carry-on big enough to take up all the overhead bin spots. HATE that. I should add that to the pet peeves thread. :P


                              Another thing - expect the plane to be bumpy sometimes. Turbulence is very common. Some people get freaked out by it, but it's totally normal. Just shifts in the air, pockets of different air, etc. The plane is not going to fall out of thin air.

                              Personally, I find it reassuring. It's like potholes in the sky. Makes it feel more like being in a car.

