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Japan to the USA

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    Japan to the USA

    Hey there!

    I'm not sure if there is any other threads like this but...

    I recently started a LDR with a wonderful beautiful girl in Japan! I was out teaching English and we just connected.

    I was wondering if anyone else is in this situation?

    She is very shy and doesn't open up too much at all, and the time difference is killing us at the moment. She goes to school in Hawaii and I am in Colorado so I am very excited for when we go to school! I think with the cultural differences, not to mention the small language barrier we have (she speaks English REALLY well) sometimes it puts an a little bit of a strain on our relationship. It is relatively new so we are both figuring it out, but does anyone know kinda what I mean?

    I don't know if anything I'd love to read a similar story.

    What situation do you mean? Building a relationship long-distance? Many people on the forum can relate as there are several posters who met while studying/working abroad or on vacation, or those who met via online.

    I met my SO while studying/conducting research in his country last spring. We began a relationship in the middle of my stay and were close distance for our first four months. My SO is far more reserved than I, so getting comfortable with each other and establishing a friendship with our relationship took a bit of time. It was basically just talking a lot and integrating joking. I began learning Spanish when I visited his country, so our language-barrier was significant but with patience and his encouragement, my Spanish improved significantly. Now he's attempting to learn English with my "teaching" him.
    Have you met her family? Although my SO and I come from different cultures, it was easy to understand the similarity between our families and, in that respect, the conversations with which we are each comfortable. His mother and family like to make fun of one another in a good-natured way, which is exactly what my family does, so it was a "go ahead" to knowing I could have that same ease with him.

    I don't know if that's what you're looking for in hearing similar situations. Essentially, all of it's just a learning process. Patience, respect, and encouragement have been paramount for my SO and me.
    When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
    no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


      Hey man,
      Very similar story here ! I have also felt in love with a wonderful beautiful Japanese girl this summer. I have been to Japan on an exchange program. The connection was fast but she is also quite shy so I had to take slow steps haha. Now I have been back to Europe for almost three weeks, we try to chat as much as we can but the time difference is also very very hard for us. Especially to find a suitable time for Skyping. The last couple of days she has been really busy and didnt reply much. So it was quite hard.

      My girl actually opened up more over the time. At first she was so shy she could not hold my hand in public. Even though she clearly wanted to. I dont know if you have similar experience. The language is not a problem for us at all, her English is also really good compared to any other Japanese people I have met. Somehow I feel like I knew her for a long time even though it is still really fresh.
      The other problem apart of the time difference is that we dont really know when we will be able to see each other again, so Im little worried that over the time and when the school starts again and we will be busy it will be very easy to loose the connection.

      Anyways Im happy to see someone with similar story I would like to exchange more experience haha maybe we will find the key to LDR with Japanese girls

