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Help! Swiss/American

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    Help! Swiss/American

    My boyfriend is Swiss and I am American. Do any of you guys have any idea how we can close the distance without getting engaged? I have heard about the K1 visa but I don't want to use it because I feel like we should only be OFFICIALLY together without the pressure.

    We both finished college. I got my BSN degree and he finished with Hospitality Management. He is currently in the Philippines finishing Culinary School as his higher education, and is leaving for Switzerland as soon as he graduates (this December) for his on-the-job training. This will take at least 5 months, which kills me just by thinking about it. (5 more months?!!)

    I am also aware of the working visa alternative, but should this even be considered? Hotels/Restaurants just don't hire people outside the country. I mean, why look for someone outside their country and spend so much for a person when they can get workers here? So the chances for this, I think, is really small. Is there any other option? There must be! (legal options)

    I don't want to wait longer than this added 5 months, please help!

    Don't give up on the work Option without having tried!

    As a Swiss who also has a Hospitality Background, I can say:
    The swiss Hospitality-Formation courses are world reknown as some of the best ones in the world. So if he did do one of those Colleges, his chances might not be that small.
    Of course as a "normal" waiter or Chef in the mexican Restaurant down the road, his chances wouldn't be huge. In the top Hotels and Restaurants, also in the Management departement, his chaces might not be that small.
    Which School did he attend? I think he should ask there about his chances of working in the states, maybe they even have tipps and tricks or even contacts for him.
    International Hotelchains might not be a bad Idea for a start.
    happiness can be found in the darkest of places, if only you remember to turn on the light


      Originally posted by Nymeria View Post
      Don't give up on the work Option without having tried!

      As a Swiss who also has a Hospitality Background, I can say:
      The swiss Hospitality-Formation courses are world reknown as some of the best ones in the world. So if he did do one of those Colleges, his chances might not be that small.
      Of course as a "normal" waiter or Chef in the mexican Restaurant down the road, his chances wouldn't be huge. In the top Hotels and Restaurants, also in the Management departement, his chaces might not be that small.
      Which School did he attend? I think he should ask there about his chances of working in the states, maybe they even have tipps and tricks or even contacts for him.
      International Hotelchains might not be a bad Idea for a start.
      HI! Thanks for responding to my thread. My SO graduated college from Hospitality Management in the Philippines, and is taking a Culinary Course at the same school. However, after he graduates for the latter, he will go to Switzerland for his training. I hope that experience will be enough to land him a good job here in the US. He wants to do his on-the-job training here but I know that Switzerland would be perfect for him. I won't forget to mention about how the Swiss courses are world renowned.
      Last edited by swisslover; November 29, 2014, 10:46 PM.


        He graduated studied in the Philipines? I didn't catch that in the first post, I thought he studied in Switzerland and then went to the philipines for his Culinary course.
        I know that the Swiss Colleges for Hospitality are internationally known - I don't know about on the Job Trainings. those usually depend on the Restaurant/Hotel he works in.

        But As I said, don't give up on the work Option before having tried.
        happiness can be found in the darkest of places, if only you remember to turn on the light


          Not sure if this will exactly help, but i live in a highly tourist area and at of the business/ski resorts hire international workers.

          this isn't anything that is "long term" persay, but could be useful. If anything, you could also just look at all the job openings in your area he could/would do and have him apply for them?

          All the best to you!

