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How do i know if my so still loves me

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    How do i know if my so still loves me

    We are in an 8 months relationship 6 months long distance he is a nice guy and i really love him but he is really moody and we often fight because of that, i don't know if he still loves me because he easily get angry to me with nothing, not like before when we are new, in 5 months LDR he angry like this

    Me: babe i hope when you come back we can go to a place here so you will not get bored at the hotel
    So :Why not enough just to see me
    Me: because when we are together at the hotel you spend much time on your tablet
    So: Maybe I will just come alone next time
    So: You always have some problem
    Me: i don't have problem, you are
    So: I PAID FOR THR GOD DAMN HOTEL And the airfare
    Me: if im just forcing my self to you just tell me
    i try to be good to you but you always angry to me
    if you don't like me, i would not force my self to you

    Then my so not reply just seen....

    I am wanna give up because i feel tired to understand him, i feel that i am just forcing my self to him
    we talk every day yes, he gave me time and saying what he is doing last month when he is drunk he said he loves his ex gf forever and it hurts me a lot... i just wanna ask for advice - is this the right time to give up and end our relationship even if i love him

    He seems angry all right. He probably has some strange issues going on.

    What you need to do is be straight with him and not afraid. Avoid words like always or never, and phraze it like a common problem, not his problem alone. Focus on what you want to acceive.

    For instance :

    "Babe, lately we seem to have a communication issue. It seems I have been clumsy and you have been angry. What can we do to help each other become closer? Do I hurt you without meaning to? I only meant to care for you getting entertained when I mentioned the hotel. I know I get easily hurt when you say you love your ex. Perhaps that was a joke, but I didn't find it funny. It is not always easy to find the right words for any of us. Can we help each other in this?"

    The issue is not really weather he loves you, but weather you can function together. You can love a person and still not have a future together.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      He certainly has a lot of anger directed at you....

      If he has come to see you, then why is he sat on his tablet is my question.... who is more important that he is catching up with, staying in contact with while you are there?

      my GF did that a little on our second visit, and after I got back I told her off a bit for it, as I did not want to make a big thing of it at the time. (I also knew she was trying to sort something out); but I used the words of: when you sat there on your phone rather than talking to me, it made me feel as though I was not that important, and the person you were talking to was more important - I had travelled a long way, to spend time and interact with you, not sit there and watch you chat with a friend...

      It is about the use of language, If I said - when you sat there on your phone you really pissed me off, it would have been taken a lot worse than the way I said it... I was pissed off don't get me wrong. It works both ways too, he should not be 'shouting' at you in that way either IMO

