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Aus-UK ldr support

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    Aus-UK ldr support

    Hi all,
    I'm new here, found this site tonight after realising I need to find some people to talk to about my ldr. I've been in an LDR for nearly two years and met my partner for the first time in November. He is in the UK, and I'm in Australia.
    I coped well before I met him, but now I know what it's like to be around him.. It's hard. I left a little over 2 weeks ago, and it feels absolutely shocking.
    Is there anyone out there in an LDR from Australia to the UK? Or a similar distance? Would love some people to talk to!
    Thanks all cass

    I'm not quite in an Australian/British LDR, however, I have been in one in the past. My first SO lived on Bribie Island, Queensland, so I understand how much of a pain the distance can be. He was around 11 hours ahead of me. Was in another LDR for 3 years with a guy from Arizona too (which brought about a 7-8 hour time difference depending on the time of the year), and my current SO lives in Georgia, which is a 6 hour time difference. I live in Wales, in the UK. You're more than welcome to hit me up


      I'm from Australia ��


        Certainly know the pain! I'm from Brisbane and my boyfriend is in Sweden. It's 9 hours difference right now, and 8 hours difference in his summer. When we first started talking, we were both unemployed and difference didn't really effect us, we were still managing to Skype 8-12 hours a day with many a late night! But since I started work in August that went down drastically to about 5 hours a day. And now, he is starting some work experience which has seen the last two days gone down to 1 hour of Skype. Which is still very lucky for us, I know some people that have it a lot less, and we are privileged in that way, though it's a drastic change to get used to.

        I really, really struggled after I came back from meeting him a year ago because I was unemployed and had nothing to distract me from thoughts of him. I spent six months making a photobook and video of time spent together which helped me reminisce every day and made me happy to be doing something with the memories rather than moping around wishing I was back there (though I certainly did that too). Haven't seen him in just over a year now, but starting to get thoroughly excited to plan the next meet... 10 and a half months away. It'll have been two years since we first met. But I know we can do it now, because we've done it before and found out just how compatible we are, and we've surpassed the halfway mark, so it's only going to get shorter remember every day your apart is another day closer to when you'll next meet!

        "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

        Started Talking - October 2012
        Started Dating - 08.11.12
        First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
        Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

        Rosetta Stone Progress
        22 / 60


          I can certainly relate my boyfriend lives in new York and I live in England. 5 hours time difference and it is a struggle but when I speak to him I realise it's all worth it. We've been dating for 2 months and the time difference is hard. When I finish work he starts work when he finishes work im fast asleep but when he rings me I wake up instantly to answer. We have facetimed a few times but always make sure we txt and speak on the phone constantly. Yesterday I was really upset because I wanted to see him and I want to be with him on Valentine's as this is our first one.


            Good luck

            It feels hard now, I know where you're coming from. It gets both harder and easier, easier because you know it's worth it <3
            Last edited by Cassjayde; February 5, 2015, 04:18 AM. Reason: Wrong reply


              I can't believe you've gone so long! I'm so impressed and inspired... Makes me feel like it's not impossible. <3 I've been apart for 3 weeks now, another 7ish to go


                thank you, I know sometimes I can't believe its been 2 months. But I'm going back to see him in May so we are both looking forward to that. We decided to have a facetime date for Valentine's lol, so I cannot wait for that!!


                  It certainly isn't impossible, watch those 7 weeks fly by


                    Originally posted by Honour View Post
                    with a guy from Arizona too (which brought about a 7-8 hour time difference depending on the time of the year
                    I'm in Arizona! I always tell him we're closer this time of year because of the time difference lol he doesn't buy it

                    And thanks OP for posting this. I always like to see how people deal. This is going to be me in a few months. Worth it I'm sure, but I'm terrified of when he leaves. I don't want his last sight to be me sobbing in the airport lol
                    "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


                      Yep me too. I'm in NZ and he is in Ireland. 13 hours difference and one of us is always going to bed or getting up to go to work. We manage by speaking through FaceTime while he is in the train, I am driving to work, or out walking and somehow we notch up about two or three hours a day by phone. Messenger messages show we are thinking of each other and video calls usually in the weekend.
                      It is just about ten months since this madness started, and as usual, I had no intention of even meeting somebody, even in my own country. I have to be able to be on my own and happy with that. Usually the case but every now and then I find an enormous 'hole' that consumes me for a whole day. Crying and feeling sorry for myself. Needy as well. Been a particularly bad week with three holes found. Shall I blame Mercury retrograde? Or connections have been not too good either.
                      I returned to Dublin three months ago. I had to make sure the fantasy was real. It was real! However returning to NZ has been painful and has made this experience almost worse.
                      I am awaiting his visit to me now. The sooner the better.
                      So you are not alone. My advice is to have a plan and a goal. Keep talking and promise to be honest even if that honesty is painful. Try to stay in the present moment and trust that it will all work out in the end. I struggle to believe my own advice sometimes.
                      This LDR is giving us a terrific platform for communication


                        We're Aus-UK too, nearly a year and a half of knowing each other I just got back from our last visit, which was five weeks and only the second time we've met, and I definitely feel you on the shock thing. We're just getting back into our routine now, but when it hits us how far apart we are, it sucks more than it used to, it seems like :/ You're definitely welcome to hit me up, I'd love someone in a similar situation to talk to!


                          I do not live quite so far from my fiance I am in the states (East Coast) and he is in Ireland. There is a five hour time difference and over three thousand miles of land and sea between us. We have been together for over three and a half years and are now just waiting on the visa to go through. We stay in touch in many different ways including Viber calls and Skype as well as social media. We also send cards, letters, and small gifts. We have met in person and also met each others families and these times are like magic. I feel like a couple who wants to make it work will do whatever it takes. With technology it is so much easier to stay in touch for anyone who is in a long distance relationship. There is always a period of shock and depression that follows being together and then going back to living separately but you will get through it. I do hope this helps you cope with the situation and get through it.

