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US/Australia relationship

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    US/Australia relationship

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post aside from my introduction. I was wondering if there are any other couples that are US/Australia, and trying to locate and live in Australia. Its such a difficult process and seems a bit unattainable at times. But can happen. Me and my SO talk on Skype literally 8-10 hours a day because right now I don't have a job and he is disabled and doesn't work. I moved to take my next step in my process of moving there. Unfortunately, I can only be there 3 months on an ETA VISA right now without being questioned about my intentions but then we plan on traveling for 9 months to other places to seal our DE facto 1 year relationship and then apply for a partner VISA. Hoping this all works out, its a very expensive process.

    I get a bit lonely and find the long distance very hard. Just hoping to find someone to talk to in the same situation I am in.


    From what I remember when I had looked into the defacto visa process, you have to show evidence that you 'live' with your spouse (Rental agreements/Joint Bank Accounts/Utility bills for the same premises in both your names etc). I don't know if travelling for 9 months will constitute that.

    It's just something to keep in mind


      Originally posted by Tooki View Post
      From what I remember when I had looked into the defacto visa process, you have to show evidence that you 'live' with your spouse (Rental agreements/Joint Bank Accounts/Utility bills for the same premises in both your names etc). I don't know if travelling for 9 months will constitute that.

      It's just something to keep in mind
      Tooki?!? I must have missed your return! I'm not on here all that much anymore, so that probably explains it. Welcome back!

      OP: Tooki is correct. I don't know that traveling would satisfy the requirement. We specifically had to show a rental agreement with both our names. If that is your only route to take, I'd recommend speaking with an immigration lawyer and immigration themselves as well to get a better idea of how you can prove you've been living together during that time.

      Welcome to the forum! I'm an American living with my Aussie partner in Melbourne, we closed the distance almost 2.5 years ago. Good luck with everything

      Met online: 1/30/11
      Met in person: 5/30/12
      Second visit: 9/12/12
      Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


        I did call immigration, said that we had to prove living together for a year. We there it be here or there or wherever. Said plane tickets, hotel info. , bank accounts etc. Would work. But the travelling together would be so we can be with eachother. If anyone wants to share their whole process that c would be awesome as I will begin mine on August 1st


          Is there not a 1-year-workers-visa for US-citizens to Australia?


            Originally posted by Lilly9886 View Post
            Is there not a 1-year-workers-visa for US-citizens to Australia?
            Yes, but I think 30 is the cutoff age for that.

            OP, just be absolutely certain you can prove you've been together the entire time you're traveling. In my experience, that's the one thing that's most important to them. My process was very straightforward. I entered Australia on a Work and Holiday visa. We gathered tons of evidence over the course of my living here, and even before that to substantiate our relationship. By the time we filed for our defacto visa we were expecting a child, so I'm sure that helped our cause. We applied in person exactly 12 months after my move, when my WHV was set to expire. It was granted in....3 months I think? We had also front loaded our entire application. I had all the health checks, police checks, etc...done so there was nothing else they needed from me.

            Met online: 1/30/11
            Met in person: 5/30/12
            Second visit: 9/12/12
            Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


              Hi InLove81!

              I am from the US and my SO is from Australia. I know what it's like with time zones and how hard it can be. I am going to Australia in January of next year and going to register my De Facto with the state my SO lives in. That way, it's recognized under their government. With the partner visa, you have to prove that you have a commitment to each other by showing it in many different ways. My knowledge is that if your relationship is not registered (In some states, they don't let you register it, not all states allow you to) then you have to wait the entire 12 months before you apply for the partner visa. I've heard it's tough process, but it's worth it. Good luck with everything!


                Hi, I also have a SO in Australia. We are young but hopeful, any advice on long long times apart?


                  Hi GPAUS10,

                  There are lots of posts in the forums with advice and help with time apart. I know it's hard, but it's worth it Feel free to message me anytime if you need someone to talk to or help with anything


                    What kind of health check do they do? I mean how advanced is it?


                      Originally posted by InLove81 View Post
                      What kind of health check do they do? I mean how advanced is it?
                      They take blood to check for certain, mostly communicable, diseases. They check the basics such as hearing, vision, feel around your abdomen, reflexes, etc... They also do an x-ray of your chest to check for TB. That's about all I can remember.

                      Met online: 1/30/11
                      Met in person: 5/30/12
                      Second visit: 9/12/12
                      Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                        My SO arrived last month from USA to visit me for 3 months. While on holiday interstate we realised we're just wasting our time if he goes back home again to apply for the fiance visa, so we're currently trying to organise getting married so that we can apply for the partner visa before he's due to go back (you can't register de-facto in my state). There's a lot involved but we have a lot of evidence for our relationship for him having lived here for a year before on a work/holiday visa when we rented together and had shared bills etc. I'm hoping that because our relationship has been going on for so long that we'll be pretty well fast-tracked through, but it's hard to say.
                        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                        First met: June 13th 2006


                          If you are wanting specific advice from people who have been through the Australian Visa path, Google Australia Forum.

                          From what you have described, you would not be able to provide enough evidence of your partnership if you have just been travelling around together. The lead admin on Australia Forum provided a 400 page package of evidence to prove that her and her partner were a couple. That is how intense the whole process is.

                          Seeing as a Partner Visa costs about $5000, it is something that has to be considered very seriously, because if you miss something, fail and you want to apply again, you will need to pay another $5000. I would strongly suggest talking to an immigration lawyer to get some advice.


                            Hello to you both! My significant other also lives in Australia, and I wanted to send the both of you my best wishes in this situation. I know how tough it is with the agonizing time zones and conflicting schedules, but you both will get through it. It will work out.


                              Currently trying to decide whether or not we can make it through possibly 8 months of distance for school reasons or to try and address it later. However, I am seeing my SO in 11 days, fingers crossed that gives us the spark and confidence to continue on in sight of the bigger picture, which is that other than distance we really cannot fault one another

