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Work hours not conducive to an LDR

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    Work hours not conducive to an LDR

    In short, my SO lives in the Dominican Republic and I live in Canada for half of the year.
    I'm currently here and I just started a job that works 12 hour shifts (7-7) rotating days and nights.
    He just started a job where he works 8 am until around midnight and has wifi but can't use it if there are customers. (ie. no long, consistent conversations)
    I had a bit of a freak out but I've realized this is a good opportunity for him and I can't tell him to quit a job for the sole reason that we won't have as much time to talk.
    I know it's going to be hard but I'm hoping it's short term and that we can still work around it.
    I'm just posting to see if anyone has strategies for going full days without talking to (or at least having a significant conversation) with your SO? If not strategies, then have you been in a similar situation? How did it go?
    I probably sound needy, but when I'm in the DR we live together so it's very weird being home and thinking about going days without talking.
    I'm just scared that one of us will be busy working while the other is stressing over the lack of communication and it'll put even more strain on our relationship. (as if distance isn't hard enough)

    I did try and search this question in the forum but didn't find anything quite like I was looking for, but if you know of any forums with some answers feel free to link them


    I've been having the same problems with my SO. She just started on her internship and she's really really busy with work. We used to talk to each other on the phone or skype every night, but now we just text after the end of her work whe

    I guess the best thing for you now is to be as understanding as possible and to just look forward to the next time you get to see each other.

    It's a good idea for you guys to set aside a 'date' where both of you sit down and talk to each other on the phone though, i'll be nice


      We are in the same situation. My SO works like a dog 9-9 so we rarely have time when I visit and when we are apart he showers eats and sleeps in between shifts. It is hard to talk because he is physically and mentally drained every day and he has no days off. It can go days without us having more than a few texts. If we Skype, I get to watch him yawn. It sucks, but what to do? We are looking for other jobs for him for next year. I booked visits. Beyond that, we just have to take it in stride.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        Ah yes, one of the lovely qualities of an LDR. Lol.

        My story is that my SO is a Corrections Officer (Prison Guard), so on average we do not talk for almost a full 24 hours every day that he has work (he works 6 days a week, on a rotating schedule as well). For safety reasons, he does not, and is not allowed, to bring his phone with him inside the prison at all. At his jail, they have a "Mandate" list, which is basically a list of all the officers to be "Mandated" (or called for mandatory overtime). The list rotates, and everyone gets mandated at some point during the month, depending on the demand (or number of people who called out sick). So, if he's high on the list, like top 5 names, he'll get mandated within a few days. The only good thing about that is we can try and guess when he'll get mandated. And, they will also go around asking officers who would like to do over time, if the maximum number of people mandated a day gets filled, but they're still shorthanded. If my SO gets mandated, or volunteers for over time, I do not know on that day. We've set up a system where, if he's not home, or does not contact me, by 12AM, then it's safe for me to assume that he's doing over time. Also, his shift is 2PM - 10PM, and he does not wake up until 12:30PM to get ready for work, and is not home until 11PM. I work starting at 8:30AM and I don't get home until anywhere from 7PM - 8PM. Sometimes, I fall asleep before he even gets home. I am allowed on my phone and internet when I'm at work, the perks of working with family, but I still don't hear from him sometimes before he goes in. And if I do, it's just a quick "Love you too" in response to my "Have a good day" texts that I send him literally every day before he goes to work. He can't even call me from a phone in the prison to tell me he's working over time.

        Also, this even happens when I'm visiting. He's been working there for well over a year, and before that, we used to talk every single day. For hours. His old job was being a courier, and his days started at 7:30AM and usually ended anywhere from 11:30AM - 3PM depending on the number of deliveries he had that day. He used his own car, so he would text me or call me while he was at work. And, he only worked Tues - Fri. So, I got to see him and talk to him a lot.

        For half of our relationship he was a courier, and for the latter half, he's been a C.O. So, I know how much of an adjustment and shocker it is when things change. To this day, I'm still not 100% used to it. I don't think I ever will be, even if we do finally close the distance. It sucks. But, you just have to try and find that sweet point in between. I agree that maybe you guys can try and set up times to talk, but I also wouldn't get upset if it doesn't work out. Life happens, and sometimes even when you try to schedule everything, it still goes blah. I feel you though.
        Last edited by whatruckus; August 23, 2015, 01:56 AM.


          Thank you all for sharing your experience!
          I feel like it's one of those situations where you know what you have to do in your hear (be understanding, don't worry when you don't get responses, etc)
          but it doesn't make it any easier!
          It's obviously always harder too when I'm at home doing nothing and can't talk to him.
          Looking forward to when he can come home to me after a long day!

