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Beggining of an international long distance relationship

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    Beggining of an international long distance relationship

    Hi, I'm from Mexico, I met my boyfriend 8 months ago in Viena, he's from Slovakia. Since that, we had been talking everyday, everytime. A month ago I started to study in a summer school in Lisbon, and we agreed to met in Paris for 5 days in my way back to home. Is there where we started our relationship, and he became the most important thing for me. We have been apart just for 3 days but I miss him so bad, I don't know when I'll see him again. I want to write him a letter and to make him feel special. I'm not sure what to do on the social media, should I change my profile picture in Facebook or whatsapp? It's that important to make him feel that I'm really compromised and happy with him ?

    Any advice is welcome thank you so much
    Last edited by Bskaren; August 5, 2016, 11:49 PM.

    I'm not sure what to do on the social media, should I change my profile picture in Facebook or whatsapp?
    But that's so individual. Some people LOVE expressing it on the social media and not only that, they just like their love being expressed to and seen by many people. But there are other people, including me, who find things that happen between us more special than what others see, basically more private people.
    So it's really up to you two to decide that, talk to him and ask about his opinions~

    As for the letter, I think that's always a good idea :3 But I'd let my SO know even then just in case. And I don't think one has to go out of their way to make someone else feel like they are happy with them. It just shows in your actions, so do whatever you feel like the most~ And ask for his opinion about more public things and communicate about many things in general.

    I am tired, hopefully this post makes sense good luck~

