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We went as far as we could go

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    We went as far as we could go

    For about 2 months, things in my international LDR were strained. He was not talking to me; certainly not intimately. I asked him, many times, if everything was okay. He assured me that is was, but there was hesitation there; I could just feel it.
    Finally, I blew up on him in a terrible email (it was the only form of communication we had left). He was hurt. I asked for forgiveness, but, he said it broke his heart too much.

    So I sent another long email, explaining all of the things that had led up to the terrible email.
    He replied; confirming all of the fears I'd had; that some of his feelings for me, for us, were lost. That he was thinking logically, and that led him to believe we were not compatible, and that a relationship was not enough. Asking if we could remain good friends.
    I am angry at him for not communicating this with me when I asked him, many times, over the course of two months prior to this. He should have let me go. Or I should have ended it when I sensed something was wrong.
    Moral of the story? Listen to your instincts. Trust them.

    As for me, I've started dating a local boy. It just happened, but, I am very happy. No more of the struggling to know what was going on with my "boyfriend" (*if he ever even was that for real); no more days on end of not hearing from someone that supposedly loved me; no more long nights of crying at the lack of attention/affection.

    I wish all of you the best of luck in your relationships. I learned through the 10 months or so of this that it is a hard road, but one that can be overcome with the willingness. You all have my admiration. Keep on fighting.

    Glad things are working well in your new relationship. Best of luck


      It's hard to communicate all that, it's even hard to acknowledge those feelings or lack of them. It IS a bad partnership to hide it, though. Just as much keeping that limbo is a terrible thing to do in a relationship. But I kind of understand him as a person. Imagine yourself in his place, I have been there and I've found it extremely hard myself.

      As for the new relationship close distance, make sure he's not a rebound. Seeing that you are still angry and all about your previous relationship, are you really ready for a new one? Think about this for yourself and your current SO.

      Best of luck either way :3

