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Feeling hopeless, any advice would be appreciated

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    Feeling hopeless, any advice would be appreciated

    Hey everyone,
    I've been feeling so hopeless and sad the past two weeks, so I decide to share my story. Any ideas or opinions will be appreciated.

    We met in my country(in asia) while he was doing his exchange semester here. We fell hard for each other and when he was leaving at the end of the semester, we decided to continue the relationship because I was planning to do my master in europe even before we met. So, we were together for about a year and a half(one year in long distance). During this one year of long distance, we managed to see each other four times despite the distance. But we often had arguments mostly because of the whole texting thing. I wanted to text often(every few hours) but he said texting is not really his thing. We tried several times to compromise and change but after few weeks, we went back to the same and had arguments again. I have a bad habit of saying "let's break up then" whenever we had big arguments and he always told me let's continue to try and stay together. But I never really got rid of that horrible habit... But whenever we met and spent time together, we barely had arguments.

    This summer, I visited him in his country and spent one month with his friends, family, and relatives. He even saved up and prepared nice surprise activities for us to do together. We had some small arguments, but he assured me that those arguments happen because we weren't used to spend 24/7 together. Anyway, I got back to my country on sunday and in the following week, we had two arguments(I'll summarize them). On wednesday he said, he really has to pass this year(his master thesis) and that he doesn't want to have a period of arguing often again. I said if you already think that period is coming, then maybe we should end this now(I know I'm horrible). He said he doesn't want to break up and just wants to stay together and graduate.

    We were okay, and then on saturday, we had another argument but this time I knew it was due to my fault. I apologized and then asked him if he has something to apologize too even though I knew he didn't do anything wrong. He said he has nothing to apologize, and I again said let's break up if you're not gonna apologize. He said, "Are you sure? It's too late for you. Shouldn't you sleep on this? You know you've said this before and took them back the next day." I said, "Okay, think about if there's anything to apologize and let me know tomorrow", which I meant "think about this argument, nothing more". He said "Okay, but it won't change tomorrow". Then I started insulting him with things that had nothing to do with what we were talking about. He asked me what is the purpose of saying these things to him and if I'm just trying to hurt him because I got hurt too. I said, I'm just telling you the truth. He said okay. We both went to sleep.

    The next day, he sent me a long message that basically says "This is not going to work out. We keep trying but we don't change. So we argue and hurt each other and say very bad things. It will be difficult in the beginning but better for both of us in the end because we want different things. You want someone who can support you can text you often. I want to be free and not have a lot of responsibilities, and don't want to think far ahead in the future" He also said "I can't be with someone who is religious, this is a reason too" The second reason confused me a lot because it was out of the blue.

    Anyway, I was so shocked because I never thought he would break up like that. So I called and asked him. He told me "he doens't see a future anymore, he doesn't want to have a serious relationship anymore, and we want different things". I asked him "How can you change so quickly?(Few days ago, he was excited that I'm finally moving to europe next month and talked about when we should meet next month. Few weeks ago, he talked about moving in together, having a family together, and me doing a semester abroad in his country) He simply said "Because I can". Then, I started pleading him if we can just try how it goes when I move to europe in three weeks. I said I depended my happiness too much on him until now, but things will be better between us once we live closer to each other and once I'm happier in europe. But he just kept telling me he doesn't want to try anymore. I said okay and hung up the phone.

    I didn't send any messages, calls, or emails after I hung up the phone, but about 4 hours later, I found out that he blocked me on everything (whatsapp, facebook, etc). I was shocked because he never did that before and I didn't bombard him with any messages or calls. Anyway, I've been devastated. We broke up exactly one week after spending one month holiday together. We hung in there for one year when things were tough because I was going to move to europe this month. But we broke up three weeks before I finally move to europe and finally be closer together.

    I just feel very hurt and hopeless. I thought about myself and the relationship a lot and I realized that I tried to control him too much just because I felt insecure because of the distance. I also realized that I never worked on my anger issue and said mean things almost whenever I got angry. But I feel like I have zero chance of getting him back...

    This was a wakeup call for me. I know I should just move on and start fresh but I just want to try one more time when I move to europe. I'm moving there in a week. We will be 3-4 hours away from each other. I'm aware of my mistakes and really willing to be different this time. But he blocked me everywhere and I don't know how to reach him anymore. I thought about writing him a letter(apologies and things I want to thank him for) and maybe surprise visit him and give the letter to him. But I'm not sure what to do, I know surprise visits are not a good idea but I also want to try with everything I got so that I don't regret later. I also thought about sending him a casual postcard. I'm just really confused. It's been a bit more than two weeks since we broke up and havent spoken to each other. I keep hoping that he changes his mind and contacts me, but I also know it's not going to happen. I just feel so hopeless. I just want one more chance once I move to europe next week.

    Thank you for reading my long story and any advice.

    Welcome to LFAD.

    Unfortunately, it appears he is done. You used the option of breaking up every single fight. I had an ex-SO who did this and finally, I made it stick. He was devastated, just like you are. People eventually have enough. And every time he would "well let's break up", I would care a little less about him and our relationship. By the time we actually broke up, I felt nothing for him anymore. This may be the case for your ex as well.

    As hard as it may be, you do need to move on. Just because you want one more chance, it doesn't look like you are going to get it and you need to accept that. I'm sorry it's such a hard wakeup call for you, but hopefully you will learn this lesson and not repeat it in your next relationship. Good luck!
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      From my personal opinion, just the fact you argue so much both apart and when you are together tells me that things aren't right. I think you need to find a way to move on because you butt heads fairly frequently. I'm a year into my relationship and we havent argued yet, of course everyone does at one point or another, but to do it so much and still so early into your relationship just isn't right. Imagine, even if he was even willing to try again what would your future be like?

      You'll find the one who is right for you, good luck!


        I agree with R&R... You admitted you were mean and said mean things and that you broke up with him every time things didn't go your way. So it really should not come as a big surprise when some one says Ok.. we are done. We all have a break point. He hit his. I do think it was nice of him to take half the blame and responsibility when it appears you were the one insulting. You can talk the talk to him all day long, but do you honestly think he is going to believe the "I can change" spiel now? He hurts, you hurt, you didn't communicate effectively, but fought and insulted instead.

        Its time to move on. I am sure he is hurting as much as you are. He is most likely in self preservation mode.

        Do not surprise visit him. That could end up even worse for you both. Let it go. Maybe after time, you will be able to at least be friends again. Please learn and grow from this.
        I am sorry you both are hurting.

