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Hard to stop texting him... what do i do?

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    Hard to stop texting him... what do i do?

    To keep our LDR easier, my boyfriend and I text a lot during the day. That helps me a lot because it makes me feel closer to him. Iīm used to this whole day texting, and when some time passes without us texting I get anxious and I canīt help but text him again. I canīt spend that much time without texting him, but he can spend a lot of time without texting me. This makes me feel sad, mad and at a disadvantage in the relationship. I canīt seem to find something to distract me and to avoid me from getting mad at him for not answering. What can I do? What might be a good distraction?

    I encourage you to keep up with your own hobbies, interests, education, work, and to network with coworkers, family, and friends. If your life becomes hanging on to a phone waiting for the next text, what will your life look like if/when the relationship is gone? A person needs to have a complete, full life. A full life doesn't look like holding onto a phone 24/7 waiting for a text. Texting constantly doesn't sound sustainable. There's no way that I could text constantly over months or years, without my work and social life suffering.

    If you don't have your own hobbies, interests, education, work, and friends, work on getting them.

