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Valentine´s day

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    Valentine´s day

    Hello everyone,
    This is my first post ever and I really need some advice…
    Here´s a lil background history, my SO and I have been together for almost 2 years now, romantically but we met online about 6 years ago. We met because we were both in a weird/bad place in our lives and we just found each other at a random chat named Chatous. We liked each other from the start but honestly, I didn’t pay much attention to him because I was hung up on someone else (dumb me). We talked for months and then stopped and then back again for the first 4 years of our relationship. One day 2 years ago, after a period of not talking I texted him and he replied immediately and we haven’t stopped ever since. We were caching up and just being friends and it started to turn into something else. I must say he is the most amazing man I have ever known in my entire life, he’s sweet, he’s kind, he’s so smart and responsible and funny and everything any girl could hope for in a partner. I went through a rough family and economic situation and he was my rock through all of it…I couldn’t have done it without him. He supported me when I had to move, when I had to drop out of school, when I had to get a job with no resume what so ever and a whole lot of other things. Thankfully life is better now and I’m back in school, I have a job that I love and him by my side.
    But the thing is…after all this time we still haven’t met. I had such a hard time trying to get a picture of him, or to get him to skype with me. His only flaw is that he doesn’t think a lot about himself, he’s very self-conscious. Full disclosure, he’s not very handsome (not magazine kind but who is?!) and regardless of that, I love him, with all my heart and soul. But this represents a big issue for us because if after 2 years he’s not completely comfortable in letting me see him then how are we ever going to meet? Hes made a lot of progress opening and sharing with me a lot of things he wasn’t able to share before...but still it makes me second guess everything! Like if he’s being honest with me? if he loves me? if he really is the man I’m seeing there? Is there some other reason he’s “hiding from me”? is this just in my imagination and will come to nothing and I’m just wasting my time?
    Days like today with all the couples being happy and romantic and cute makes me want him here soooo badly that I almost can’t stand it. I have cried 4 times today and I just wish I had the certainty that this is it, that we are meant to be and that all that I hope or expect will actually come true…