Hi! I was wondering if there was anyone else here that is in a US-Brazil ldr?
I am planning to Brazil go to Brazil to visit him but I am absolutely confused by the whole visa process, and I am also worried about safety.
I have met a couple Brazilian friends online and they have all warned me to be careful while there. Which I have to admit wasn't very comforting lol.
For those of you who didn't live close to a Brazilian Consulate and had to use a third party site, how did you do it and what did you use?
Or is there a way we don't have to use a third party site?
I was wondering if anyone can help walk me through the process? I am quite confused.
Oh and refundable tickets, how would I be able to purchase refundable tickets? I was looking through sites and the cheap tickets are ofc non refundable while the ones purchased directly from the airlines itself is refundable but more expensive. The problem with trying to purchase tickets directly from the airlines is not only the fact that it's pricier but it somehow won't let me find flights as I would have to take connected flights and not direct. How do I get by this problem? Do any of you have ways to get refundable tickets but cheap?
I was going to get a refundable ticket incase my visa was denied or plans change.
Thank you so much!
I am planning to Brazil go to Brazil to visit him but I am absolutely confused by the whole visa process, and I am also worried about safety.
I have met a couple Brazilian friends online and they have all warned me to be careful while there. Which I have to admit wasn't very comforting lol.
For those of you who didn't live close to a Brazilian Consulate and had to use a third party site, how did you do it and what did you use?
Or is there a way we don't have to use a third party site?
I was wondering if anyone can help walk me through the process? I am quite confused.
Oh and refundable tickets, how would I be able to purchase refundable tickets? I was looking through sites and the cheap tickets are ofc non refundable while the ones purchased directly from the airlines itself is refundable but more expensive. The problem with trying to purchase tickets directly from the airlines is not only the fact that it's pricier but it somehow won't let me find flights as I would have to take connected flights and not direct. How do I get by this problem? Do any of you have ways to get refundable tickets but cheap?
I was going to get a refundable ticket incase my visa was denied or plans change.
Thank you so much!