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How do you measure the time...

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    How do you measure the time...

    So, I'm currently having a bit of a mental/emotional struggle.

    Basics: my girlfriend and I have known each other (met online) since Nov 2016. Met in person August 2017 on my side of the pond and hit it off and made it official. I've visited her once since then (almost 2 week visit).

    After 7 months together, part of my brain is itching to talk "heavier" stuff. Hopes and dreams, in more than a general context. What would/could a life together look like? Not planning, just talking. It seems like it's normal for couples at this stage, and I'm crazy in love with her, and I'd love to see us together for the long haul. I've been married twice before, and she's the first person I've been with where I haven't thought "I wonder if there's someone better." I agreed to marry the exes, even though it wasn't right, and I knew it wasn't right. This feels right. If only there weren't a stupid ocean.

    On the other hand...we've had 2 visits together. Yes, I spent 2 weeks in her home and we didn't drive each other crazy, and she was comfortable with me being there, even though sometimes having people in her space can cause anxiety, and I loved being there with her and even helping with the simple stuff like cooking and cleanup. But still...7 months? Or 2 weeks?

    I don't have the best history of healthy relationships, so this is really hard for me. At what point do you even bring up closing the distance? She knows I'd never go anywhere without my daughter, and she knows I can't move with her for at least 7-10 more years, and she knows I'm very sad about that because I think my child would thrive in her city. But that's the most we've talked about it.

    This is also slightly rushed because I know we would both like another child (well, another for me, she doesn't have any), and we're not getting any younger (I'm 35, she's 44).

    I have another visit in a few weeks, then one in June, then she's coming here in August (meeting my daughter and mom). Part of me really wants to have this conversation (talking, not planning) this trip. Is that reasonable? Again: my "healthy relationship" meter is broken. Ex #1 we met at 17 and were moved in within a month of dating. Ex #2 moved in slowly and began mooching within 3 months. I want to have (and give her) the family we both want, but I also don't want to rush things. It's a balancing act I'm not handling too well right now!


    I think the idea of waiting until she meets your daughter and mum wouldn't be such a bad idea. My SO and I started talking about closing the distance about 6 months in and it was ok for us. Like you said, it's not planning just talking, so keep the conversation light to start with. You don't want it to be too heavy. Best of luck hope it goes well.


      Well, she's already sort of met my daughter via Skype, and I told my daughter that she is my girlfriend. She even asked if she could start mailing her a book a month (when I mentioned that we'd previously had a book-of-the-month club thing that she loved but I hadn't found anything for her age/reading level yet).

      I might bring up just a "where do you see us in 5 years?" question when we're finally together again. She's been acting a teeny bit weird lately (but not in a bad way, and she just bought tickets for her summer visit here, and I'm meeting her mum in April, so I definitely don't get an "unhappy" vibe) so I wonder if this is on her mind as well.

      Thanks .

