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First post here, hi everyone! I need to vent a little, and get some advice.

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    First post here, hi everyone! I need to vent a little, and get some advice.

    First of all hi everyone,

    I met my girlfriend at a summer camp in the US last year, and over the next few months we slowly got closer until I put my man pants on and asked her to "be my girlfriend (even if it wasn't for long!)". Near the end of camp I threw all caution to the wind and booked flights down to Mexico, she was incredulous and excited and we spent an incredible month together with her family and other mexican friends from camp. At the end of the month we decided to give it a shot, and stay in a ldr.

    She came over for Christmas and my family and I had a wonderful time showing her around the south island of New Zealand. Our relationship has stayed pretty strong, we Skype every week and text often during the day. I'm planning on visiting at the end of the year over Christmas, and she's going back to camp this year to gain some more money.

    Fats forward to this week. She'd been acting odd after one night where she called me and said she was drunk and at a party with some friends. She's a bottomless pit usually when it comes to alcohol so I was surprised, and told her to find some friends she trusted and stick with them. The next few days she barely replied, and when I called her this weekend I confronted her about her strange behaviour.

    She had ended up waking up on the couch next to a friend of a friend, and he kissed her. She realised what she had done and pushed him away, and after he messaged her later on Facebook saying he thought they had something special shut him down fast. She was in tears during the call, saying her friends were disappointed in her and that she didn't deserve me...

    I calmed her down, and told her I forgive her.

    I trust her, but I told her if it happens again it's over between us. I really love her, and yet I'm angry with myself. Why am I not more pissed off? Part of me is furious, I want to frickin' murder that son of a ****, but I'm confused too, why am I not angrier at her?

    It feels good to write it down and get it off my chest though. I obviously can't write everything, but she's an amazingly sweet and kind girl that really clicks with me, and I'm proud to call myself her boyfriend. Having my first proper relationship be a long distance one is probably not the recommended path, but who cares, we're crazy enough for it to work.

    I've probably answered my own questions haven't I?

    Gracias por leer, and goodnight all.

    Hi and welcome!

    I think it is good that she was honest and told you what had happened. By what you have wrote, she seems to regret it completely and even stopped him from continuing anything with her (which shows that she does value your relationship). Getting angry with that other guy is understandable... he kissed your girl!! But it is also okay to be upset with your girlfriend for a while. She messed up. I do think it was right of you to forgive her though, but I personally would not have done it so fast. If you two are still okay and happy, its not weird for you to not be more angry with her. There may be a little distrust for a while, but hopefully she can show that it won't happen again.

    I hope everything goes well.

