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Well this feels like shit.

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    Well this feels like shit.

    We had a misunderstanding over some stupid article he sent me. We typed over each other and looking back you can see that we were just on totally different threads of thought, not communicating. I had to leave and told him so, and returned an hour later to silence.

    I went about my day, and saw nothing from him. I apologized for my side of things because I could see that I had gotten defensive and touchy. I was slow to apologize because I really am starting to feel like I always apologize? He never really acknowledges where he could have improved. He says "ok" and then acts like everything is back to normal. Not "ok, I forgive you," or "Ok, I'm sorry too, i could have done x better as well." just "ok."

    No response. I went about the rest of the day with a knot in my stomach, went to bed, woke up to nothing.

    I sent one more message, but I don't want him to open his inbox to me just slowly losing my shit over a series of messages, in case he really is just super busy. So that's it.

    He's online, posted some stuff to his page, but hasn't read any of my messages since our disagreement.
    The clingy insecure attachment style in me feels like he ghosted me at the first sign that things weren't all rosy and heart emojis, that he got bored.
    The grown ass woman in me reminds me that if that were really the case, he wouldn't be an ideal match anyway, and that he can be avoidant and probably just buried his head in work to cool off and then got on a roll...for a whole 24 hours...

    Just trying to keep myself sane over here.
    Last edited by paperplane; April 10, 2018, 05:19 AM. Reason: wrong word

    Could be that he isn't ready to forgive/apologise yet. He might need the time. You do your thing and if he doesn't get back to you in a few days. Give him a call and ask what's up with that. I'm very childish and petty so I would go down a passive aggressive route, but talking is more mature.

    As for him saying "ok" instead of apologising. this is something you need to discuss when the situation is not on. Let him know that ok is not forgiveness or apology.


      Thankyou. I need to get better at not letting things like this affect me so much. It’s like a clingy demon emerges and I have to fight it back.


        So he did message me after almost a whole day...and we made up. We still have a lot to talk about but things are going alright.


          Glad to hear it. Sometimes even silly arguments needs a bit more time. Often there are bigger underlying feelings. Once you have moved on from this I would bring up the never apologising thing


            Originally posted by Rezie View Post
            Glad to hear it. Sometimes even silly arguments needs a bit more time. Often there are bigger underlying feelings. Once you have moved on from this I would bring up the never apologising thing

            He basically said he was afraid to say anything more to me in case he "made things worse". This confused me because it's not like I yelled at him - I asked how his day was going, apologized for my own side of things, then later asked if he could please communicate to me because I was starting to feel like he was deliberately cutting me out. Nothing...angry.

            So yeah, looks like we both need to open up a bit about our insecurities lol

