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Finding Balance

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    Finding Balance

    How do you balance your physical life with your LDR? Especially when visits are very spaced out?

    We don't know when a visit will happen, and I'm surprisingly fine with that, though I do wonder how it will be the longer our time apart goes for. We dated physically for 4 months so we have a little bit of foundation.

    I'm struggling to balance my life with the idea that I could be uprooting in a year or 2 to move across the world to him. I just took a new job, and while I'm elated at the income, I also felt kind of like a fraud when the "where do you see yourself in 5 years" question came up at the interview. Instead of being excited about the job, I felt like I was being "locked in." I'm looking at apartments and having a lot of anxiety about signing a lease because again, that solidifies that it's gonna be a set chunk of time before I can move. It just is hard for me to swallow.

    I made a mistake in my last LDR, where I basically lived as if I was about to leave my country for him, which ended up taking a year and a half. I didn't build as deep friendships, knowing that I would be leaving anyway, and became a bit of an avoidant loner. I also didn't work as hard at my job or career as my focus was mainly on leaving ASAP. I remember standing in a garden store, debating whether to buy a plant in case I moved in a year.

    This time around, I'm almost 30, and I have promised myself to commit to whatever job/life I have here and try to really build a life and be present in it, so that should things not work out with him, I'm not full of regret at not taking that job offer, not staying in better touch with that new friend, etc. I'm trying to not focus too much on the giant question mark and trust that opportunities will come up as long as we keep our eyes open for them, and if they don't, then oh well, we tried.

    I'm wary though, of going in the total opposite direction this time, and putting down too many roots so that I really resent leaving it all behind when/if the time comes.

    Does this resonate with anyone else? How do you guys reconcile building a life where you are, with the idea that you might be uprooting the the future? How does this affect you?
    Last edited by paperplane; May 3, 2018, 05:50 PM.

    Hey there paperplane.

    I just took a new job doing the one thing I love and knowing that someday I might leave the country to be in the home country of the guy I fell in love with.

    We don't have a set timeline anymore; we are throwing out ambiguous timelines that aren't quite solid, and so much has happened in one year that we can't say we know how this year will end up. We are hoping to get our stuff together in a year, but we said that last year. xD

    I have friends here, I'll be making more friends at my new job and I have so many roots and ideas in this place already set down.. but I know that these things will follow me somehow, even if I do end up moving.
    I'm not sure how, but I'm confident I'll be okay in his country, and even if things don't work out between us now, I'll never not lead a normal life where I'm at, even if I know it can all be uprooted someday.

    I don't let it get to me, because these are things that will come in their own time, if it is meant to be. Everything tends to fall where it must.

    As for your questions, I balance my life with my LDR by keeping steady contact with one another. We talk every day, even if some days we only get an hour together.
    I've seen him a total of a month and 2 weeks in the 3 years we've been together. One visit a year.

    I have had 3 jobs in the time we've been a relationship, counting the new one I just got. Life just happens. I've been able to have him visit here at times I've been without work, or using vacation hours, but this will be the first time he will be here for a long time while I'm actively working, so we'll see how this visit turns out.

    An LDR is all about communication, compromise, connection. You make it work out, and it's hard work, but it's worth it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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      yes, this was a major thing for me. I always felt like everything I did was "for now" and couldn't commit to anything long term. I couldn't be bothered with buying anything since it's just another trying to sell or move. I feel like life is passing form me since I'm not in the moment at all but in this vortex of unknowns. I can't help since I feel it still. but just saying that I know the feeling. Best is to try to live in the moment and concentrate on everything happening now and "forgetting" the future decisions

