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Uni students - not sure if we have any plans to close the distance

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    Uni students - not sure if we have any plans to close the distance

    So, my BF was originally planning to move to Canada, UK or the US depending on where he gets to go to uni. However, so far seems like things aren't really going as expected and now we're setting 4 years (with lots of leeway) for our chance to close the distance. Though, if I reflect on it, our career prospects clash and I don't think we'll be able to close the distance even after then, because it'd mean one of us would give up on what we're passionate about and we're both really caring enough to not want to do that over our relationship. I feel a little confused as of now and would like to hear your stories.

    I'm kind of in the same position. I have one year left of uni before I can start my master degree. If I do my MA in my hometown, it means that my SO would move to my place as we don't want to live forever apart. If he does so, he will have to quit his job which he loves. It also means we would have to get married for him to immigrate here (we are planning a wedding but we don't want to rush it either).

    The other solution would be for me to get my master degree in his hometown. However, the degree I want to do is not available there and I would have to change my career plans for the sake of him keeping his job and I would be away from all my family.

    The final solution would be him keeping his job and me finishing my MA in my hometown. This would imply staying apart during another 3 years or probably more. This is very hard on a relationship and this is not the best solution.

    I am in the same tricky situation where both of us want to close the distance but none of us is ready to make the move. I don't have much advices to be honest with you. What I do is I keep trying because I do love him and somehow, i do not see my life without him, but sooner or later, one of us will have to make the move. This is scary because in some way, the three solutions lead me in three different directions concerning my life and my future. I have no idea which one is the best.

    I guess the best thing is to keep building a solid relationship and maybe the solution to all this will come eventually. If you don't see a future with him anymore, maybe your solution would be to let him go, but I would probably try to see what other possibilities there are before that.

    I wish you all the best.
    - I'll be waiting for you -

    Started talking: December 2015
    First meeting: December 2016
    Second meeting: May 2017 - August 2017
    Third meeting: Septembre 2017 - January 2018
    Engaged: December 2017
    Fourth meeting: May 2018 - August 2018
    Fifth visit: December 2019
    Wedding: September 2019


      Yes, as university students, we definitely have to consider education/work with closing the distance. We have an unlikely move in two years, possibly a move during the time in between, and hopefully won't have to wait until another 8 years or so. We've been very happy so far and sometimes feel the distance and the uncertainty of the future, but worrying doesn't change anything so we try to just remember to be happy in the moment and consider the future, but not be too worried about it yet. Taking this as good time to really get to know and understand each other


        It sounds like you have some tough choices to make. One of you is going to have to give things up in order to live with each other, or you can live in a third place that has career prospects for the both of you. Do your research and take your time to figure it out.

