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We broke up

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    We broke up

    Hey guys it's me again so after the break we took i got hit with the i can't do this anymore text she said that she love me but she can't handle being in a ldr and want us to stay friends i hate that and it's making really really sad but deep inside i feel maybe it's the right thing to do u know she was being distant from me for a while with her job and kinda avoiding me it kinda hurt me how she didn't call me to tell me that no one likes confrontation but we have been together for 9 months that's the least i can ask for.
    i couldn't text her back to be honest it took a while to realize is this is really happening and what pains me and frusatre me is that it's something i can't control we were together physically for 6 months and we were great tbh and we were thinking about future with the both of us i really hoped she could be more patient and waited for me till next summer when i get back but i can't force her to.
    we agreed to call each other later i just feel devastated

    So we talked it about it and it was the hardest thing i have done in my life she want us to kinda take a break by being friends and things could change and said i can come visit her next summer i just don't know guys


      I'm really sorry to hear it...

      Taking breaks is a really sore subject for me, and because it is I really don't believe in them anymore.
      You either are with me or you aren't. We're either in this whole thing together, or you're not worth my time.

      That's my opinion of the whole break thing, anyways.

      LDRs are not easy, they are not simple. They are so very difficult, and take a huge level of commitment, compromise, and communication.
      I hope it all works out for you.

      Follow our story on Tumblr~


        I hope your relationship will work out for you. I too have times when it feels like a break up and once back together it’s to hard to hold back the love. Don’t give up if you feel it’s worth.


          thank u for your support i really need it
          we have been talking and she always keep saying that this is just a temporary thing and the best for both of us now i think i'm just scared that we will get used to it and just move on

