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US/UK - He's jobless, is it hopeless?

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    US/UK - He's jobless, is it hopeless?

    I used to use this forum years ago when I was "young and dumb" and dating random boys from online games I'd be playing. Now, 30, I'd come to the conclusion that it's just not going to work for me. I've hit "my stride" in life and now am a gainfully employed independent girl who's mission in life is to pay off debt and go to Disney World at least twice a year. I'm the happiest I have ever been in my entire life, and relationships aren't really something I'm looking for anymore. I guess I've kind of come to the conclusion that being single is okay. That's not to say I wouldn't date the right person, he just hasn't crossed my path yet.

    Now enter, "UK", UK has been a gaming friend of mine for about a year now, and very quickly became fond of me. We did the whole "get married in game for in game benefits thing", we co-run a guild together, and everyone around us very much sees us as a couple. We act very couple-like even though we talk about it regularly that one of my "golden rules of dating" is viability, and a big piece of viability in an international LDR is employment.
    He is in the tragic state many people are, caught in the crevice between a college degree and job applications that all require "3 years experience" and has been for almost a year. I definitely understand the difficulty he's encountering and do believe he's making a good effort to keep trying looking for jobs, and he does luckily have a support system where he isn't doing any detrimental damage while being unemployed.
    I adore him, and I'm honestly amazed he's stayed as dedicated to me as he has for so long.

    For me, at 30, however, financial independence is an absolute must for me when it comes to my partner, further amplified with the difficulties closing the distance internationally. As much as it would be wonderful to just dissolve and say "yes lets date" all of my logic says that's stupid because it doesn't mean anything, it can't grow or go anywhere till he is independent and I know that my heart just won't be okay with it and it is just much easier for me to let nature take its course and commit to dating after progression in the relationship possible, it's a major part of a sense of "security" for me. I've dated unemployed men before and both of those men were deadbeats, promised me the world that they were getting their lives together but neither ever delivered. Needless to say, I'm disenchanted by promises of getting their life together.

    Obviously, he's younger than me, and he is in the thick of what I knew what the most difficult parts of my own life, so I'm giving him as much patience and love as I can as a friend, since I know I would put on too much pressure if I began approaching everything as an "us" situation. I just don't know if this is unfairly stringing him along, but I also don't want to "give up" on him nor does he want me to.

    I don't believe in things like "butterflies" and "meant to be's" anymore. At 30 years old I see realities, end games, costs, sadly. All I want in life is to have a best friend who's literally my BFF, and he's definitely my best friend right now, there are just too many hurdles we can't possibly get over at the moment.

    I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Am I old and cynical? Burned by past relationships? or rightfully cautious?
    And where do I go from here?

    Definitely not hopeless! I do think rightfully cautious is accurate and that is completely understandable. Unfortunately I think, in this situation patience is key. I'm sure -hopefully- he won't be unemployed forever. This I feel first hand..My SO had to quit because his father passed away -his work was horrible to him- and he had a very hard time finding a job after everything settled, despite having a Masters Degree. Luckily he had some savings but it didn't last, he was unemployed for almost two years. I know it was hard on him and I was very supportive but it was so stressful not only for him but for me as well. If you believe that he is your person you want to have in your life have faith you can work out all of the obstacles. LDRs are definitely not easy and have a lot of hurdles but if you want to and are willing to make it work then you should at least try! xx
    California- Alabama
    Relationship began: April 4, 2017
    First visit: Alabama: April 4-8, 2017
    Second visit: Alabama: August 22-30, 2017
    Third visit: Alabama: December 9-19, 2017
    Fourth visit: California: May 25- June 4, 2018
    Fifth visit: Alabama: September 15- 26, 2018
    Sixth visit: Alabama: December 18, 2018-January 3, 2019
    Seventh visit: Alabama: April 2-10, 2019


      onlyemily is right. My SO is in the US and I am in the UK. We are both a lot older than you and both of us have kids, the youngest being only 8. We have massive hurdles and we acknowledge them, but we have the faith that if it's meant to be, it will be. I have massive (hormonal) glitches... only this morning, I sent a long text saying how hopeless it all is etc and tbh how afraid I am at times. But I know we both want each other in our lives very much and patience is a virtue (sadly it's not one of mine, but it's work in progress). Keep communicating. Best of luck


        Me and my guy are in our 30s, and neither of us are classed as employed. He can only find ad hoc work where he is, instead of something more long term and stable.
        As things stand currently, the financial burden rests on me. I'm saving furiously and will get myself back into work. Our plan is for me to bring him to the UK.

        Ultimately, what happens next is up to you. For me, I admit I kinda went in blind. All I knew when we started talking was that I liked him a lot, and couldn't get him out of my head. That hasn't changed so far, and I doubt it ever will. He does so much for me and I would be lost without him.
        Our situation is tough, but somehow we keep on going. We are both very stubborn, so maybe that is the reason.


          I hear you. My SO is younger than me and has been struggling with his studies as he has mental health problems and is on a wait list for therapy that won't be for another year (he's in the uk). It worries me because if he doesn't pass, I honestly don't know what's going to happen but I would never call it hopeless. I adore this man to pieces and I believe we will find a way to make this work regardless of what happens.

          I know it's an overused phrase but where there's a will, there's a way. There's always a way to make it work especially if you feel so strongly about someone as I do with mine

