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Help and advice

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    Help and advice

    So I recently got back from visiting my boyfriend, now fiance, for the first time and I haven't been the same ever since. I am in constant tears from an overwhelming sadness that I am more than quickly succumbing too. I miss him so much and he misses me just as equally. It's so hard to go from spending every waking minute together, in the same time zone, to then having to go back to being on Skype and living through a computer screen, being 15hrs apart.

    I just want to know how to manage the sadness, the tears and the frustration that I cannot be with him. What do I do? How can I stop the tears, even if its just for one day?

    Any and all help and advice will be appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Hatchling ^_^

    I feel this so deeply and I am so sorry you are going through this. My SO and I have been able to see each other at least twice a month since we started dating (back in April) and now we will be facing a 5-6 month time frame away from each other. However, I don't think we can make it through this based on our conversation we had yesterday before I left his place.

    One thing you have that you can keep in mind is that you are now engaged! CONGRATS! <3 That is huge and it solidifies your relationship with him. Yes, this distance is going to suck but you will be okay because this is only temporary for you two and you have a promise of the future. I hope this helps in even the slightest bit. Good luck to you both.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Hi Just wanted to offer some support. I relate to your words, because I also met my SO for the first time and afterwards was overcome with a lot of strong emotions I found difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, I let these feelings affect my relationship too much, and we also didn’t seem to be able to talk about it. It’s resulted in us not talking at all 😭 It has been more than 4 months since we saw one another.

      My advice would be to keep communication lines open, and be expressive with what you are going through. It’s important to stay connected in any way that you can. Try to be actively thankful that the time you had together was so wonderful and use it to fuel your motivation to see each other again asap!

      Also, congrats on getting engaged. That’s wonderful!

      All the best, and know that there are people here who are happy to offer some support.
      "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
      -Charles Dickens

