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    So i met my gf from a friend over the internet mean while we live half way across the world from each other started off great fantastic then i started getting doubts like is she being faithful even though its harder for us to talk then say some one who is dating another person in 1 or 2 time zones off for 2 every time when i make an advance to be able to talk to her more like sending her my personal phone number or offering her a game system so we can at least communicate more that way or offering to buy her a plane ticket to my brother's wedding which she all declines we only get to email once or twice a day mean while I can never get a girlfriend that lives near me because dont want to date someone who isnt atleast a 8 (im like a 5 if that) which i don't blame them but in a lowkey way i do. I tried asking her to message me more or something some of the time she blows me off other times I'm working but i don't care if work is hella ass busy I will answer her with out fail

    You say she is half a world away? Just where is she, and where are you?

    Did you consider the time difference? My SO and I are 8365 miles apart, and there is a 12 hour time difference. There is just a few hours twice a day that we can text each other. The rest of the time one of us is sleeping. Add to that, the poor quality of internet at her location. It is the rainy season where she is, and her internet keeps dropping (community WiFi). Sometimes it goes for 2 or 3 days without a word, and you can forget about video chat (her internet doesn't stay up long enough, even on good days).

    LDR is not for everyone. It takes a lot of commitment on the part of both parties. You didn't say how long you have known her. It takes time to build a strong bond, particularly for a LDR.

    Communication is much more important in a LDR than in a close-by relationship as all you have are words. You have to pick your words carefully so as to get your meaning across. Also PATIENCE. You need a lot of patience. You say you are 21, so you haven't had much experience being patient.

