I met My Girlfriend in March of Last year 2012 on a blogging website(Tumblr) Might be the same case for a lot of you here. It was kind of a silly story on my part. I believe I was whining about some misfourtune in my life on my blog, and I followed her and a bunch of other ĻAsian Tomboys" cause that was my infatuation at the time. And she commented on that whining message of mine. And I thought Ļ WOW. A stranger is being nice to me??!" I didnīt think anything of it, a couple of days later I replied to her, and then her curiosity got the best of her, she started talking to me and were getting to know eachother for months. I heard her voice on the phone for the first time, instantly starting crushing on her cause of her accent. On July fourth I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said YES. After that it was alot of sending pictures,phone conversations, cellphone games(THANKYOU LFAD- I got my ideas from this site) packages in the mail, most recently some tough patches which we have squeezed our way through by the grace of god. We are complete opposites, but I am totally in love with her, she cares for me more than anyone i would know because i am so difficult at times to her, and i just want to thank her everyday for being by my side. We are three hours by time difference apart. It was recently our one year together or should I say apart. I just recently saw her, it wasnīt as romantic as I thought it would be, but I sure had lots of fun, as she kept me amazed by her lovely city every second I was there.
I was wondering if any of you can inform me on your stories of how you met? I love reading them.
I was wondering if any of you can inform me on your stories of how you met? I love reading them.