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I'm scared

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    I'm scared

    I know I'm new at this. (Being in a serious relationship, being myself, being on this forum.) I think I just need to talk for a minute with people who have the same problems.

    Okay, so I met my girlfriend July 13th I think, sometime in the middle of July, on Tumblr. We talked for a while, we've yet to meet in person but we've video chatted and we talk for hours everyday on Facebook, and then a little over a week ago, I think (give me credit it's summer, we met on tumblr not exactly the best website for keeping up with the date), she told me that she liked me a lot.

    At first I was very confused about her feelings for me because of the way she told me (this vid: John Green has something to say to you. Yeah, you. So sit down and listen. Search it on youtube, if you want to watch it), I didn't know if she was saying she loved me or just thought I was like her bestest friend or something. I really liked her, but I didn't want to mess up our friendship by telling her, I was scared she didn't like me that way.

    Long story short, we've been dating since like the 10th of August and I'm scared that we may have rushed into things. Recently (like yesterday) she admitted on tumblr that she has thought about ending the relationship. She thinks I deserve someone better than her, someone who lives closer to me.

    I'm scared that we took things too fast. But I love her, I don't want "someone better" I've told her this. But her mom said that our relationship doesn't count because of the distance, and the sad thing is I think deep down she believes her. I don't want our relationship to end. I am scared that she might end the relationship, we've been together less than 2 weeks but I feel like I've known her my whole life.

    So my questions are these: Do you think we took it too fast? Am I stupid for being scared of her leaving me? How can I show her that I really do think she is the one for me, that I don't care how far away she is?

    Any ideas and advice and even stories would be helpful. Thank you.

    First of all how old are you two? I believe you are acting a little imature here. This may sound as a joke to her, because one day she says she wants a relationship, and then 2 weeks later she wants to get out of it. I know that you have grown attached to her (and I understand), but if she is that changeing with what she wants/ says then you are better off without her. I know this might sound hard on you, but I couldn*t be with a person who doesn*t know what he wants. I think 2 weeks is a short time to say to somebody that you ”like” or ”love” him/ her. It*s infatuation I guess. My SO and I are in a 3 months relationship and we never said that into words - call us shy, or realistic or taking things slowly, but I guess these words are implied by the actions taken and the care that we have for one another. We have, I believe, a calm relationship (we don*t even talk daily) that eventually will grow into something beautiful and strong. And we haven*t even met, but I guess we are comitted to each other, and that is very important in a relationship.
    So, if her doesn*t work to have this relationship, then you are better off separeted. It takes two to build a relationship!
    I can understand your fears (I have some of my own too, because sometimes he is sending me mixed signals, or at least that*s how I perceive them), but she must be the one who gets mature and think of she wants!
    Last edited by alizee; August 22, 2013, 03:07 AM.


      I think that your girlfriend is just still unsure about all those new things. How old are you? Have any of you been in LDR before? Have you been in relationship with a girl before? I believe that she's just confused about it and that it will get better. *hugs*


        I can relate because I have been in a similar situation like yours. Like what Karoshi said, she is probably still unsure about all those new things. Personally, I think you guys went into a relationship too quickly. You guys barely know each other. I suggest that maybe you talk to her and ask if you guys can't take things slowly for a bit. Get to know each other a bit better first and see how it goes from there. If you feel that you seriously want to get into a relationship with her, then maybe send her cute messages or write her a poem just to show how much you love her. You could even send her a good night or good morning message once in a while too.

