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Looking for some advice

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    Looking for some advice

    My SO is in the Air Force. We've been long distance for about 7 months now. Or maybe more. He's been usually ok, but just really misses me a lot. He's getting at this point now where it is making me worried. He is just acting like he can't stand it anymore because he misses me so much. It really hurts him. I can't do anything to really help because he wants me there. He doesn't blame me. He says he loves me and doesn't want it to happen. I'm just worried that something bad is going to happen.

    I think this is something every military couple goes through.. Have you try talking to him and find out what's bothering him? maybe you can take a short visit to see him? It's a sucky feeling when you feel so helpless to your SO. but communication is the key, especially when it's LDR. I've gone through the same thing when I started my relationship with my SO. He was in Texas at the time and I was getting to the point where i felt like i didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I ended up taking a trip down there to visit him and it gave me the strength to hang on to the relationship till this day.

    Good luck


      I've gone through this with my boyfriend more times than I can count, it's normal. My boyfriend & I have been long distance for about a year & half now. What you have to realize is as much as you miss him here, he's gone where he has no one which stresses him out & makes him miss you & being home so much more! I know that you feel hopeless but you can help him by giving him as much moral support as you possibly can, send him random messages giving him your support. Cute liittle messages let him know you're thinking about him & that you miss him too.

      How much longer until he can come home? Could you fly down to see him?


        Originally posted by Dragon13 View Post
        My SO is in the Air Force. We've been long distance for about 7 months now. Or maybe more. He's been usually ok, but just really misses me a lot. He's getting at this point now where it is making me worried. He is just acting like he can't stand it anymore because he misses me so much. It really hurts him. I can't do anything to really help because he wants me there. He doesn't blame me. He says he loves me and doesn't want it to happen. I'm just worried that something bad is going to happen.
        Doesn't want what to happen?

        If you are unable to visit him, I think the best thing you can do for him right now is just be there for him as much as possible. Send him care packages and, like someone else suggested, little notes and stuff to remind him how much you love him. Let him know that you're missing him too and that you're waiting for him because he's worth it.


          I know he's probably just having a moment. It just gets me worried sometimes. I'm in college right now so it's hard to take time to go see him. He came here for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. He's supposed to be coming back in December and we're going to spend some nights alone together. I'm also wanting to plan a trip on my spring break to fly and go so see him.


            Here's what I did in a similar situation:

            * Sent him an advent calendar and some other bits (including a book of cockney rhyming slang which I knew would make him laugh!) and some postcards of my home town where he lived for the last 2 years.
            * I get him to write down 3 good things that happen to him every day and I do the same and we share them.
            * Keep reminding him that I will be there for him no matter what.

            Also some of the things on this site have been great - we are playing draw my thing online and once a week we try to ave a date night where we watch a film together.

            Remind him you'e there for him and it will get better!

