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Headed back to colder weather

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    Headed back to colder weather

    So I have been going through a lot in the past year or two. Ended a 3 year relationship with someone I thought I was in love with, who is also the father of my daughter. We don’t have any intention on getting back together.

    After all of that I decided that it was time for me to get back to see other people. Come to find out that there really are really nice guys out there. I met someone that has a lot going for him. He has been in the army for 5 years and loves it for the most part. We hung out for a couple weeks when we finally realized that we had more than just a friend connection. We pretty much hit off (at least in my eyes we did). He accepts me for who I am. About a week or two ago he found out he is being stationed in Alaska. BIG bummer right... Well I guess the moral of all this is, is it possible for us to continue our relationship. I know I want to but he has tried to continue relationships in the past with other girls, and they just completely stopped talking to him, due to reasons that he doesn’t even know. I want to try to make things work.

    I also have been with someone else that was in the army. I was supportive of him and was proud of everything he was doing. But I guess he didn’t feel the same way about me after a year.

    I just need a little advice.

    skype , mail and chat as often as possible


      Now how do I express to him that I would like to make things a little more official without making him think that I’m being a kling? I am far from one and don’t do to much for him to think that. But I guess I don’t want to be rejected even though he has already stated that he wants more.


        If you are in a relationship with someone LD then you need regular communication for it to work, that is not being clingy.


          We talk on a regular basis right now. But he hasn’t left just yet. He will be leaving next week. I know that talking is something that is a must. But trying to see where he stands on our “title” is what is mixing me up. Yea it’s just a title but I would enjoy being able to say that he’s mine.


            just ask him straight up! can i call you my boyfriend and are we exclusive?
            i asked my SO too with a realy red blush!!!
            but it is a realy big relief to have it spoken out


              Originally posted by Montana1211 View Post
              Now how do I express to him that I would like to make things a little more official without making him think that I’m being a kling? I am far from one and don’t do to much for him to think that. But I guess I don’t want to be rejected even though he has already stated that he wants more.
              Honestly, just straight up tell him. If you are interested in having a relationship with him, you need to get used to speaking your feelings and being honest from the very beginning. Don't hide things.
              And to your original question, you'll never know until y'all try! You have to have faith in one another. You are both using your best judgement right now when showing interest in each other, and that's really the only thing you've got is your own judgement. Trust yourself. If you feel like you could really get serious with this guy, then go for it! But express all these feelings to him first. Tell everything you said here, that you are interested in him, but you are afraid because of past relationships. Talk it out together.
              Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
              Our first LDR ~ August 2009
              Closed the distance ~ January 2011
              He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
              Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
              He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
              Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
              Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

              Proud of my Airman!!


                Thank you guys!!! I have to sa I have never been this nervous. I know I could do it I have before. Now it's just up to him. I know we really like eachother. And I really hope it works out.


                  I think this is amazing! and very cute i think its better to get it over with and ask before he leaves. I date someone whose been stationed in Alaska and tho we weren't together at the time he said it is hard to keep contact but it is do able. And to be honest we were in the same situation before he got stationed to the other side of the country where he is now. I knew were are boyfriend/girlfriend but i didn't know if it was serious... all in all i ended up chasing him to half way across the country to find out because as he left and i was at home alone rethinking everything it ate me up inside.i think you should ask before its to late. if you said hes leaving DO IT NOW. or you will totally regret it. GOOD LUCK!! it.

