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its been a hard past few days....

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    its been a hard past few days....

    So my name is Amanda. I am new to this site, but not to being in a navy relationship. I met my sailor in high school 4 years ago we have only been together a year.his name is Andy and he is currently out in Jacksonville Florida. He hasn't been home since Christmas last year. Usually I have been getting along pretty well (i get busy with college and family)but recently I have been super depressed and missing him more like crazy. Last night I stayed up til 4 am on YouTube watching videos of reunions I miss you'd and tributes. Well then today I got into an arguement with my sister. Her fiance is out in Tennessee for work and she is all crying how she misses him(she just left there two weeks ago and now she is going back soon) and she told me I know nothing about missing someone and I wouldn't understand. She really annoyed me. As where I haven't seen my love in months. Idk I just can't stop listening to sad songs and crying when I miss him so much. All I want to do is be with him. I need support please.

    Hi Amanda,

    Im sorry your in such pain of missing your Sailor. The worst thing you can do is listen to all those love songs and watch them reunion videos. I've done that too, not gonna lie. But it sure does not make it easier at all. Especially when you see them people being happy seeing each other again and you wish you were in just that same situation. You gotta stay strong and also talk to him about how you feel. That's what makes me feel better when I tell my Love how Im feeling today and that today is a bad day. He understands and supports you Im sure.
    Do you know when you'll see him again?
    I left my man two weeks ago and won't see him until december :-/ It's really hard but hey, we can all get through this together It's all gonna be good. Just believe in it. ;-)


      Thanks palme! That really helps. I have told him how I felt but he has been so busy with work he can never reply/ talk to me. I don't know when the next I will see him is. His birthday is September 25 and he told me he will get deployed before then and he said he will for sure come home before he gets deployed. That's all I know. :/


        Hey Amanda,

        I am pretty much in the exact same position as you..My boyfriend is a fisherman and left about a month and a half ago for Louisiana and won't be back until late October/early November and it has been incredibly difficult. He and I have been long distance even before he left so this really is something new for us, we're used to not seeing each other all the time, but we are used to getting to see each other more often even just for short periods of time. And I know exactly how you feel when it comes to seeing other people happy around you. I am in college also, and I recently came home for the summer (like 2 days ago) but while I was at school, one of my best friends, who is also going to be my roommate next year kept wanting to talk to me about how hard its going to be when we leave for the summer because she no longer will be right across the street from her boyfriend...they only live 30 minutes away from each other when they are home and both have cars so they can see each other pretty much whenever they want. So I would get really annoyed with her when she would talk to me about how difficult things were going to be for her as if it was going to be the end of the world, when she knows my situation and how when my boyfriend is home, I only see him every few weeks, we live 3-4 hours away from each other all the time, and now I have to go 7 months without seeing him.

        So trust me, you're not alone and watching sad videos and listening to sad songs, doesn't make it any easier, for me and my boyfriend it actually caused us issues because I would get wrapped up in missing him and being sad about him being gone that it made it really difficult for him to deal with the situation as well. Keeping busy is the best thing you can do because it will make the time go by so much faster. And being part of this site is the best thing I ever did because it reminds me that I'm not alone and that I'm not crazy for tackling a situation like the one I'm in. We are all here for each other, because we all understand. Your'e not alone, and you can do this

        (sorry this is like really really long, LOL I kind of just kept on going )

