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Military Gone stale

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    Military Gone stale

    Hello everyone,

    This is actually my first post on the site, though I have been reading many of the threads looking for a little guidance. First off, I am 23, just finished wine school, and trying to start a career in Ontario. He is 28, a single father, seven years in military, has his own house and in New Brunswick. Between us there is just over 1600 miles. We met in Nova Scotia, had one brilliant summer together and then I moved for school. So far we have been long distance for nine months, and the distance has gotten easy, but the relationship is getting stale. It seemed like we could talk for hours when I first moved, and now if we can go 15 minutes without arguing its a blessing.

    He has the military, is part of a huge fundraising campaign, has his son every other week. Recently a female friend went through a rough time and is now living with him, and is pregnant. Before the questions come about, I do not think he's cheating. I trust him completely. I just have lost touch with him. Myself I have two jobs and a dog (that he is allergic too), and a life going on here.

    Our arguments are always concerning the other person, things that we're not getting right. I'm very headstrong and bossy, trying to tone myself down a little, but his military position makes him the same. We're so consumed with it that I don't know how to get out of the spiral. Things have just gone stale and we need to get out of the rut before things get worse. There is just so much I want to tell him, and it feels like i'm loosing my best friend, but being so far away and him in the military mindset...I just don't know how to talk to him any more... Hopefully this meets post requirements and isn't too corny.


    P.S. My question for the group is how do you start-up conversation again, and/or how can I cope with the military mindset from so far away?
    Last edited by Kaitlyn; April 28, 2013, 06:51 PM.

    If you can't think of anything you could always google questions you could ask him. Surprise him with gifts that could start conversation. Tell him all kinds of details about your day and ask him for details about his.
    Being in a military relationship can cause stress on a relationship, but if you both have faith in eachother, I believe you two will do great.
    Just think of random things to talk about. Things you enjoyed in your childhood, future things. I always enjoy hearing future things my love and I will do.

    I hope all goes well for you!

