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Sometimes i forget

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    Sometimes i forget

    No advice needed, or pointing in the right direction here, Just a simple post of being / showing how proud I am.

    Sometimes I totally forget everything Justin put on the line for his country (USA) but today I am in a very proud and reflective mood of how amazing this guy has been to himself, and his country.

    Justin has completed 2 tours of Afghanistan one in 2009 and his latest one in 2011 and he returned home middle of 2012. On his latest tour he injured and was honoured the Purple Heart. He is now deaf in his left ear and he also has shrapnel scars along his thighs. When I went to meet him for the first time i would speak to him standing on the left hand side and I kept forgetting it was useless talking to him because he couldn’t hear a thing.

    Justin served his latest tour alongside Sergeant Dasty Yup... His K9 Friend, They done an amazing job, He hit the news all across the USA, he went across Facebook pages, Blog Pages, Google... everything I could possibly think off. He is now finished an NCO leadership school where he graduated and next thing on his list is his Sniper school, I just wanted to take the time to say i am very proud Military girlfriend, And I support Justin in which ever road he gets sent down.

    Being in an LDR is tough enough as all of us know, but being a military girlfriend AND being in an LDR does take its toll. We cannot plan trips for the future in case he gets Deployed, It’s a matter of taking what we can WHEN we can, And sometimes that’s tough because my job aren’t exactly understanding.

    Here is a few photos of Specialist Justin Coletti and Sargent Dasty deployed in Afghanistan It still feels strange how i can google his name and its all over the internet lol

    Last edited by Louise_B; July 7, 2013, 02:07 PM.

    Amen to that.

    First met: June 2012
    Became Committed: June 04, 2012
    Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
    Next Visit: October 2013!


    Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.


      This thread makes me smile BIG!
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
        This thread makes me smile BIG!
        Awh I'm glad. It makes me smile super big too when i think about what he has done.

        Everywhere we went in America he constantly had people thanking him for his service. Even when we hit the clubs Love him!


          Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
          This thread makes me smile BIG!
          Me too! Thanks for posting this thread.


            Huge smiles here, too! Thank your boyfriend for his service for us.

            (Whenever you post about him I have to smile, my first real "crush" was with a dark haired Justin in the Army! But I was just a kid, so it was fleeting haha.)


              Thank you for sharing this story with us! Your SO seems like such a brave, determined guy. And, as a military girlfriend, I'm sure you're very brave, too!
              Wishing you all the best


                I'm certain I've seen the first photo before!

                Thank you to your guy and to you! My SO is a Veteran too, and I know how difficult it can be.

                My SO brought back a local Afghan dog raised on his FOB when he came back from Afghanistan. The dogs and cats there are so important for morale. The dog (Jack) lives with us now. He is the best dog ever.


                  Thanku for sharing this story with us...! it has really touched my heart!


                    I'm certain I've seen the first photo before!
                    It wouldn't surprise me if you had seen it. Every USA Facebook page i go on with regards to working dogs .. Justin is on there lol. His just recently had someone email him and asked him if they could use that photo on their 50ft Bus .. Justin agreed aslong as he gets a photo next to it which he wants me to be there too.

                    Yore right the animals are such morale for the troops while serving, Thats beautiful he got to keep the dog. Unlucky for Justin he was deployed with Dasty after spending some months training with him before the tour and when they returned within 12 hours the army took Dasty of Justin for another guy. Justin tried to buy him But he was FARRRRR tooo much money. Its took a year but Justin did track down Dasty and his a bit down south now with the Police His doing brilliantly. Although Justin misses his pal immensely.

                    Thank you everyone for your support ill pass it onto Justin If you haven't already seen the video i made of us then check it out


