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He's thinking about joining the army

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    He's thinking about joining the army

    Hi everybody, I don't really know why I'm writing this post as i dont have precise questions or so, I guess i just need to 'let it out' where someone can understand me.
    My SO (we already are LDR) is thinking to join the army: it's really just an idea he is considering at the moment, but he seems to be pretty interested in it. when he asked my opinion about it, i couldnt hide i would be worried knowing he is somewhere on a mission, but i also tried to be as supportive as i could, i dont want to be an obstacle between him and what his dream since he was a kid.

    How is it having your SO in the army?

    Having your so in the army can be tough. But at the same time your bursting with pride. There's times where I can find it difficult with with my so living in Kansas and me in London (uk) there's 6 hours time difference and when his working his butt off I want to talk before I go to bed but sometimes we can't.

    And there will be times he would go on field exercise for a week and I won't hear a peep from him. Maybe 1 text a day just to remind me he loves me and he misses me. The army can have his good points but also bad. Especially when your in love with a military man. My So is being deployed in June, I'm dreading it but at the same time. We're doing 6 months apart now do what's an extra 3 months?

    Just be as supportive as you can, he would be do grateful


      Thank you Louise I can guess 6 hours of difference can make things even more difficult (we have just one)!
      Good luck with these 3 extra months you have to wait It really helps reading the experiences of other people


        My SO and I are also have a hour difference and just that is sometimes hard too.. I don't know how I could do six!

        My SO has just been recently out of basic and a newbie in his new brigade.. He also had his doubts but when he joined, I couldn't have been more prouder! Yes its tough, but I support him in every way, so it makes things easier.. Just let him know that you are beside him and will support whatever he decides.. I'm sure just knowing that, he would be so grateful..

        Hope everything works out!


          It definitely can make a long distance relationship harder since you may not be hearing from him much if he is deployed. But don't worry too much yet about his safety until you know his actual job. Not all military jobs are combat jobs. I used to always think of the military as a death sentence until my SO (he's in the airforce) told me all about the military and the different jobs for all branches.

