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    My SO and I are real recent to the long distance and the army.. Just found out he will be going to the field for 11 days with no service... What am I going to do with all that time missing him?! Help!!

    I can understand what you*re feeling! 11 days and no talking to him is terrible! I am in a relationship of over 3 months (never saw eachother yet! but we will in September) and not speaking to him one day is killing me! I just get the feeling from him that he doesn*t want to be disturbed everyday and we speak every 2 days.
    But try to be brave and to occupy your mind with something that cam make you ”forget” a little about him. I know that*s not possible, but think that this situation is just not caused by him or by you!!!! It*s an objective situation and you two can do nothing about it! It*s, I believe, an obstacle in your relationship that will strengthen it! BE BRAVE, and think about counting down the days until you can speak to him!


      You are totally right, it will def will be a struggle, but hopefully those 11 days will go fast! Thanks for the advice, I hope everything works out in September with your SO!


        Thank you for your good wishes! I hope with all my heart that our physical meeting in September can blossom the relation and the connection that we both have! I think LDRs are hard to take and not everybody can be in one of them. They are mind challenging. We are all brave for having confidence, trust and hope in our SOs. But, just as every beautiful thing on earth, you must work hard and pass some obstacles to achieve something so beautiful like connection with your SO!!! It will be worth it!!!!


          When my SO was in basic training we would have to go about 2 weeks with no contact at a time. He split his phone calls between me and his parents, so one weekend he would call me, the next he would call his parents. It was really hard to deal with at first, but it actually did get easier over time. Keep yourself busy with whatever else is going on in your life, school, work, surround yourself with your friends and family. Read lots of books, learn about something new. Play video games. The time will pass, and that's one thing that seems to comfort me even now as my SO and I are dealing with the distance - no matter what happens, time will always move forward. You are always progressing to the next moment in time.

          It's not forever, it will be over before you know it
          Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
          Our first LDR ~ August 2009
          Closed the distance ~ January 2011
          He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
          Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
          He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
          Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
          Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

          Proud of my Airman!!

