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Military Conundrum

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    Military Conundrum

    I've never done this kind of thing before. I'm very new to this. So long story short, we were good friends all four years of college. It wasn't until senior year that we ended getting together. When we did, we both thought it would be until the end of college and then we would go on our separate ways. I have always been very open about being against the military and have been very active fighting against the whole military industrial complex. I have, however, been very supportive of our troops because they are just people doing their jobs and you can't blame them for the stupidity of our government. Well, low and behold, my friend (now boyfriend) was in the ROTC program and now he's in the Army. Graduation came and we still want to be together. We're just two very opposite people blissfully happy together.

    Never in a million years did I think I was going to EVER find myself in this situation. The situation where he's in a base learning the strategies of war in Georgia and here I am about to start working for a nonprofit that aids refugees abroad in California. But none of that matters to me. I love him dearly and I support him in whatever it is that he wants to do, even if I don't necessarily agree with his choices. But they are his to make and I love him enough to stand by him and be there for him. But its been hard for me lately. This whole Syria thing is freaking me out and even though the possibility of ground troops being sent are slim, it still scares me. I really hate him sometimes. I hate him for making me feel this way. I hate him for putting me through this and I know rationally that this isn't his fault. It still doesn't make things any better for me. He's my best friend. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to him. I know I shouldn't worry about this until I have to but I can't help it.

    I miss him and doing this long distance thing is so incredibly hard. I feel like every cliche in the book. None of my friends can relate to me or even understand what I'm going through. I don't want to sound like a sad, broken record either to them. I feel stuck. I don't even know what I'm even asking here or anything. I'm just a very confused girl with a lot of pent of feelings. I guess I'm just looking for some clarity from someone who can relate to me. Any words of wisdom?
    Last edited by bluesweater; September 11, 2013, 02:08 PM.

    Words of wisdom (as per request)

    A) Chill out. - you being overly stressed about something that hasn't even been confirmed yet or actually happened is only going to make your days miserable and may also have a negative effect on him.

    B) if he goes overseas, don't think about the people who don't come back, many many more make it home than you realise. Look forward to him coming home! Plan what you'll do together when he comes back.

    C) Don't ever say you hate your significant other. If you don't mean it, why say it? You're just creating hostility, even if it's only in your own mind. If you do mean it, why are you together?

    When you worry about something, remember this:

    Can you fix it?

    If yes, then stop worrying and fix it.
    If no, then stop wasting your time by worrying! It won't change anything. You may as we'll use that time to be happy

